About Buried In Print

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So far Buried In Print has created 2034 blog entries.

Margaret Atwood’s “First Aid” (#MARM Week Two)


When Nell comes home just before dinnertime as “First Aid” opens, many readers will recognise her immediately, as I did. I first met married couple Nell and Tig in the linked collection Moral Disorder (2006). I read that collection on the subway, mornings and early evenings; the rhythm of

Margaret Atwood’s “First Aid” (#MARM Week Two)2023-11-14T13:38:52-05:00

Margaret Atwood’s “Hair Jewellery” (#MARM Week Two)


Reading this, the Take 30 interviewer’s comments from 1977 circled in my mind: an unrealised conversation, where declaration replaces exploration. The interviewer said the stories filled her with sadness, all those rotten situations and dismal romantic relationships; however, she mentioned no details and referenced just one story dedicated to

Margaret Atwood’s “Hair Jewellery” (#MARM Week Two)2023-11-14T09:58:29-05:00

November 2023 #MARM Margaret Atwood Reading Month Week Two: November 8-14


Happy Week Two, MARM-ers. The clocks were turned back on the weekend, so it’s dark before five, but no snow quite yet. Most of the bigger trees have lost all their leaves but the sun is shining brightly this afternoon, while I’m munching on roasted pumpkin seeds and thinking

November 2023 #MARM Margaret Atwood Reading Month Week Two: November 8-142023-11-09T11:03:53-05:00

Novellas in November: Since Last Year #NovNov


Hosted by Cathy and Rebecca with weekly themes and a link collector, the first week of this event invites participants to “tell us about any novellas you have read since last NovNov” (it’s okay not to follow the five week’s themes exactly and, instead, allow them to mesh with

Novellas in November: Since Last Year #NovNov2023-11-08T12:07:29-05:00

Margaret Atwood’s “Rape Fantasies” (#MARM Week One)


Initially, I watched Hana Gartner interviewing Margaret Atwood on “Take 30” Sept. 27, 1977 as a complement to Dancing Girls, and ostensibly that’s the subject. But it’s more interesting as an example of the kind of preconceptions and judgements Atwood’s faced throughout her career. You don’t learn about the

Margaret Atwood’s “Rape Fantasies” (#MARM Week One)2023-11-03T10:37:29-04:00
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