About Buried In Print

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So far Buried In Print has created 2034 blog entries.

November 2023, In My Bookbag (also, L.M. Montgomery)


In November, Naomi and Sarah are hosting a readalong for The Story Girl, so the last time I packed up my bookbag, I stuck in my copy of Elizabeth Waterston’s Magic Island (2008) to read her chapter on L.M. Montgomery’s 1911 novel. Story Girl reads like a collection of

November 2023, In My Bookbag (also, L.M. Montgomery)2023-11-02T11:06:48-04:00

November 2023 #MARM Margaret Atwood Reading Month Week One: November 1-7


Part of the appeal of MARM for me is a sense of having reserved the month. When I heard about Old Babes in the Wood, I thought, November! And that, simultaneously, seems to create an opportunity for other reading, in the remaining eleven months. (Next year, I think I

November 2023 #MARM Margaret Atwood Reading Month Week One: November 1-72023-10-30T16:15:51-04:00

Another Person’s Livelihood: Too Many Magazines and Not Enough


It’s a tough industry when a magazine as amazing as Freeman’s can’t make it. I said the same thing about Tin House, The Believer, and Bookforum too—the latter have resumed publication recently—and I don’t subscribe to them all myself. In the recent Lithub piece, “On the Ending of a

Another Person’s Livelihood: Too Many Magazines and Not Enough2023-10-30T13:20:24-04:00

Ten Good Canadian Reads in 2023 #CanLit


This year, I’ve been reading backlisted titles I’ve missed along the way. These are mostly well-known titles by established writers, which is why they’re still occupying library space; of these ten, only the two from small presses (named) might be difficult to find overseas. They also lean towards international

Ten Good Canadian Reads in 2023 #CanLit2023-10-30T10:34:05-04:00

Elizabeth Harrower in Australian Reading Month 2023


What is it about the Australian Text Classics list that’s so appealing? The North York branch of the Toronto Public Library has quite a few of them, including Elizabeth Harrower’s The Long Prospect (1958) which I’m happy to read for Brona’s Books Australian Reading Month. What I enjoyed about

Elizabeth Harrower in Australian Reading Month 20232023-10-24T10:50:13-04:00
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