Autumn 2021: In My Bookbag


Here’s a glimpse of some recent reads which lend themselves more to sampling, in a handful of reading sessions, than gobbling in longer periods of time. Not the books which require a sink-into-your-seat focus, the ones which afford the opportunity to window-gaze between pages. Recently I’ve been missing a

Autumn 2021: In My Bookbag2024-09-09T15:59:25-04:00

Autumn 2021: In My Reading Log (Part Two)


Yesterday, in the wake of the librarians’ shushing, some might have taken advantage of the ensuing silence for a nap. Now, yawning ourselves awake, we can resume our chat about the overlap between fiction and non-fiction, in sprawling and slightly chaotic stacks and shelves. In the opening story of

Autumn 2021: In My Reading Log (Part Two)2021-10-06T15:57:52-04:00

Autumn 2021: In My Reading Log (Part One)


This year I’ve been reading more non-fiction than usual. It’s not that I’ve been trying, it’s only that I’ve allowed my curiosity to access my holds queue. When I have questions after I’ve finished a novel, I’ve allowed myself to wander more than usual. It’s created an interesting rhythm

Autumn 2021: In My Reading Log (Part One)2021-10-06T14:46:04-04:00

#1976Club Alex Haley’s Roots (1976)


In 1988, there was a made-for-TV movie based on the 1977 TV mini-series Roots, which starred four actors who would later go on to play in different Star Trek series: Levar Burton, Avery Brooks, Kate Mulgrew, and Tim Russ. This has little to do with my post, but even

#1976Club Alex Haley’s Roots (1976)2021-10-13T12:02:56-04:00

Here and Elsewhere: Between Places (3 of 4)


It was late when I picked up Emmanuel Mbolela’s memoir Refugee (2021), nearly time for bed; it occurred to me that another book might make more suitable bedtime reading. I’ll just start, I thought, because it was a borrowed copy and due back soon at the library. Straight away,

Here and Elsewhere: Between Places (3 of 4)2021-09-27T18:52:24-04:00
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