Precision: Souvankham Thammavongsa’s How to Pronounce Knife (2020)


If you are considering whether or not to read Souvankham Thammavongsa’s collection of stories, you probably already know how to do it, how to pronounce the word ‘knife’. Readers of How to Pronounce Knife will not find solutions to age-old problems or innovation; readers will find clarity and acuity,

Precision: Souvankham Thammavongsa’s How to Pronounce Knife (2020)2020-09-30T11:46:07-04:00

Mavis Gallant’s “In a War”


In a passage near the end of “Let It Pass”, Steven observes the precarious nature of memory. He openly acknowledges its fallibility: “I have probably altered my recollection of that moment, changed its shape, refined it, as I still sometimes will tinker with shreds of a dream.” So when

Mavis Gallant’s “In a War”2020-09-29T16:24:03-04:00

Here and Elsewhere: Mexico City


So far, this has been the city which has added the most titles to my TBR and I borrowed more library books than I could read before I flipped the page to the next month. Even before my reading officially started, I was reading Eduardo Galeano’s Upside Down: A

Here and Elsewhere: Mexico City2020-10-01T09:12:15-04:00

Mavis Gallant’s “Let It Pass”


What I know now, that I didn’t know when I started to read my final three Gallant works in Montreal Stories is that “Let It Pass”, “In a War”, and “The Concert Party” are a sequence of stories. When I had a half hour to read on a weekend

Mavis Gallant’s “Let It Pass”2020-09-21T11:42:06-04:00
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