Mavis Gallant’s “A State of Affairs”


If Forain was reading this story, the one which follows the story about him, in Mavis Gallant’s ninth collection, he would be so disappointed to hear that M. Wroblewski can’t find a thing to read in Paris. “There are no books worth reading—nothing but pornography and translated Western trash.”

Mavis Gallant’s “A State of Affairs”2020-06-01T20:09:43-04:00

Here and Elsewhere: Paris


Although it was a challenge to find Kyoto within these four walls (without access to the public library, still in lockdown), it was easy to find Paris for May’s Here and Elsewhere. And if my calendar image looks familiar, it’s because a photograph of the same scene has frequently

Here and Elsewhere: Paris2020-06-02T08:13:47-04:00

Mavis Gallant’s “Forain”


In the late edition of the Sunday New York Times, on September 12, 1993 John McGahern describes "Forain" as “a story that is as close to perfection as possible”. What a compliment. He says that “Mrs. Gallant has always written well about the Parisian emigre world, but never better

Mavis Gallant’s “Forain”2020-06-01T09:49:31-04:00

Spring 2020, In My Bookbag (What Bookbag?)


Because I like to have a book for every reading mood under way, at any given time, my stack is an unwieldy creature. But even with an unreasonable number of books in my stack, only one or two of those books would be exceptionally long. Lighter-weighted volumes outnumber

Spring 2020, In My Bookbag (What Bookbag?)2020-05-20T08:32:26-04:00
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