Mavis Gallant’s “The Chosen Husband” (1985)


In the previous story, Berthe and Marie were six and four years old, but now they are twenty-two and twenty, when the Carette family is moving house once again. Having moved around the same neighbourhood every few seasons, they and their mother are signing a two-year lease for the

Mavis Gallant’s “The Chosen Husband” (1985)2020-04-20T18:10:25-04:00

Mavis Gallant’s “1933”


Born in Montreal in 1922, Mavis Gallant grew up in both Québec and the northeastern United States. After she finished high school in New York City, she returned to Montréal where she worked at the National Film Board, until she became a reporter for the Montreal Standard at the

Mavis Gallant’s “1933”2020-04-10T14:39:19-04:00

April 2020, In My Stacks


One of my readolutions for this year was to read more than 25% non-fiction. So far, my log records an even split – who knew?! Here are a few of my current preoccupations.  Madeline Levine’s Ready or Not: Preparing Our Kids to Thrive in an Uncertain and Rapidly Changing

April 2020, In My Stacks2020-05-01T18:25:18-04:00

The Writing Life: Flannery O’Connor (2 of 4)


My Flannery wanderings began here, and I've been amazed by both how many readers have never heard of her and also how many books about her life and writing are in the public library. If I wanted to spend the year in her company, on the page, I

The Writing Life: Flannery O’Connor (2 of 4)2020-02-06T12:45:47-05:00

Quarterly Stories: Spring 2020


Aleichem, Gallant, Gardam, Keret, and Mutonji Short Stories in January, February and March Whether in a borrowed collection or from my own shelves, these stories capture a variety of reading moods. This quarter, I returned to two favourite writers and also explored three new-to-me story writers.

Quarterly Stories: Spring 20202024-02-28T17:32:27-05:00
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