Mavis Gallant’s “Jeux d’Ete”


Another writer might have titled this story “Summer Games”. But in using a French title, Gallant’s English readers are immediately, if only for a brief moment, inhabiting an unfamiliar place. We have a hint of what’s to come. We are to expect something like the collection’s first story, “By

Mavis Gallant’s “Jeux d’Ete”2019-11-13T14:04:05-05:00

Shadow Giller: David Bezmozgis’ Immigrant City (2019)


Along the way, I’ve missed only one of David Bezmozgis’ books. The last novel of his I read was The Free World and, reading through the quotations I saved from that reading, I was struck by how many older passages resonate with this new collection. Here is one which

Shadow Giller: David Bezmozgis’ Immigrant City (2019)2019-11-01T13:52:34-04:00

Mavis Gallant’s “An Emergency Case”


Some might be surprised that Mavis Gallant gets children, that she can as easily climb inside their view on the world as she does. I'm thinking about stories like About Geneva and The Rejection. But these children feel apart from the others around them, as though their relationships with

Mavis Gallant’s “An Emergency Case”2019-11-04T20:24:27-05:00

Shadow Giller: Megan Gail Coles’ Small Game Hunting at the Local Coward Gun Club (2019)


Despite the rather long title, the core idea of this novel is succinct: “Your truth is not more fucking true than my truth.” Megan Gail Coles situates her story around a downtown restaurant in St. John’s Newfoundland. There, a handful of characters, who are navigating the daily grind, present

Shadow Giller: Megan Gail Coles’ Small Game Hunting at the Local Coward Gun Club (2019)2019-10-31T17:57:49-04:00
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