May 2019, In My Bookbag


Because I’m still buried in print when I’m on the move, here’s talk of the books I’ve been reading en route, while heavier volumes (like Charles Palliser’s The Quincunx and Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man) stayed at home. I read nearly half of this book at the top of the steps

May 2019, In My Bookbag2019-05-09T13:42:55-04:00

Mavis Gallant’s “With a Capital T”


In this story, Linnet is “seamless”, she is “as smooth as brass”. And she has returned to her godmother’s house, as a journalist, sent to conduct an interview. She has written down her assignment, like any other, without commenting that the woman is her godmother. unsplash-logoMatt Artz She is hesitant,

Mavis Gallant’s “With a Capital T”2019-04-09T12:45:50-04:00

Marie-Claire Blais, Reading for the #1965Club


If you are reading this post because you are part of the #1965Club, and you haven’t heard of Marie-Claire Blais, you are about to wonder how that can be true. (And if you also haven't heard of #1965Club, please visit Karen's and Simon's sites to learn more.)  Blais has published

Marie-Claire Blais, Reading for the #1965Club2019-04-29T09:17:10-04:00

Mavis Gallant’s “The Doctor” (1977)


We are meant to take Linnet’s observations about this 1891 painting, how it was admired and embraced into so many homes, as an indication of the impact that Dr. Chauchard had on her family’s life. “The parable is set in a spotless cottage; the child’s bed, composed of three chairs,

Mavis Gallant’s “The Doctor” (1977)2019-04-09T12:32:33-04:00

April 2019, In My Stacks


The past three months, I've gradually been shifting the volume in my stacks so that half of my reading is drawn from my own shelves, but I'm still borrowing lots of good books from the library. April is already a terrific reading month! The Everyman's anniversary edition of Ralph Ellison's

April 2019, In My Stacks2020-03-31T11:39:18-04:00
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