Participants’ Links for #MARM November 2018


Thanks to everyone who participated in Margaret Atwood Reading Month and contributed their enthusiasm, interest and experience to making the event a success. And to Naomi: a stellar co-host and co-reader and co-everythinger.  We’ve collaborated on this link collection, so we’re cross-posting. Please let us know if we’ve missed

Participants’ Links for #MARM November 20182018-11-30T19:54:53-05:00

Toronto International Festival of Authors 2018: Photos and Quotations


This year, the Toronto International Festival of Authors ran from October 18th through the 28th. I’ve covered this event through the years in a variety of ways, some official (in 2013 I contributed reviews to the festival site professionally – like this one – and in 2016 I

Toronto International Festival of Authors 2018: Photos and Quotations2018-11-29T12:37:22-05:00

Mavis Gallant’s “Gabriel Baum 1935-” (1979)


When readers meet Gabriel it is 1960 and he is twenty-five years old, fresh from having served in the French army for twenty months in Algeria. “War had never been declared. What Gabriel had engaged in was a long tactical exercise for which there was no compensation except experience.”

Mavis Gallant’s “Gabriel Baum 1935-” (1979)2018-11-28T15:03:06-05:00

Mazo de la Roche’s Renny’s Daughter (1951)


Story-wise, this is the fourteenth volume in the Jalna series, and the house is about a hundred years old. There is time to reflect here, so that when a new character, like Humphrey Bell, is introduced, readers are reminded of all the other characters who have lived in his

Mazo de la Roche’s Renny’s Daughter (1951)2018-08-30T17:19:07-04:00
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