Louise Erdrich’s The Master Butchers Singing Club (2003)


Unsurprisingly, there is a lot of talk of tissue and blood in this story and simmering beneath. Bodies and carcasses (and not all in the expected places) are salved and slaughtered, vulnerabilities exposed and secrets maintained. The intimacy which I longed for in The Beet Queen (1986) pulses and surges

Louise Erdrich’s The Master Butchers Singing Club (2003)2018-08-09T11:07:47-04:00

Shadow Giller: Esi Edugyan’s Washington Black (2018)


As I was saying, my Shadow Giller reviews will appear in a slightly different format: first, In Short, a 300-word and spoiler-free summary, intended to have a broad appeal, and, next, In Detail, which will expound upon one aspect of the book which I found remarkable (but which might

Shadow Giller: Esi Edugyan’s Washington Black (2018)2018-12-18T13:02:58-05:00

Shadow Giller: Paige Cooper’s Zolitude (2018)


As I was saying, my Shadow Giller reviews will appear in a slightly different format: first, In Short, a 300-word and spoiler-free summary, intended to have a broad appeal, and, next, In Detail, which will expound upon one aspect of the book which I found remarkable (but which might

Shadow Giller: Paige Cooper’s Zolitude (2018)2018-10-11T18:31:26-04:00

Reading for the Shadow Giller in 2018


Although I’m tracking my Giller Prize reading on my Autumn 2018 Prizelists and Events page, I have more to say about reading this year’s Giller list because this is my first year as a Shadow Jury member. Joining Alison and Kim and Naomi is a pleasure. If you are

Reading for the Shadow Giller in 20182018-10-11T17:23:05-04:00

Autumn 2018: In My Reading Log


These are some summer reads which left an impression; now my stack and library card are humming and wriggling, with all the CanLit prizelist reading – including my new Shadow Jury reading responsibilities towards the 2018 Giller Prize – but these books insist on a sliver of the spotlight.

Autumn 2018: In My Reading Log2018-10-17T12:30:01-04:00
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