Non-Fiction November 2018 Week Five (Summary)


Non-Fiction November is hosted this year by Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness), Julie (JulzReads), Sarah (Sarah’s Book Shelves), Katie (Doing Dewey) and Rennie (What’s Nonfiction). It's a month-long celebration of everything nonfiction with a different prompt and a different host each week. The final week is hosted by Katie @ Doing Dewey: "It’s been

Non-Fiction November 2018 Week Five (Summary)2018-11-28T14:09:12-05:00

Mavis Gallant’s “The Latehomecomer” (1974)


Just four weeks ago, I was commenting on the first story in From the Fifteenth District, a novella, and noting how many key elements of Mavis Gallant’s storytelling were present in “The Four Seasons”. In “The Latehomecomer”, not only do some familiar elements resurface, but an actual character reappears.

Mavis Gallant’s “The Latehomecomer” (1974)2018-11-19T18:14:22-05:00

A Trio of Louise Erdrich Novels


Talk of The Painted Drum (2005), The Plague of Doves (2008) and Shadow Tag (2010) in under 300 words each, with an eye to finishing a project. The Painted Drum is one of Erdrich’s accessible novels (I also recommend The Last Miracles at Little No Horse and The Master Butchers Singing

A Trio of Louise Erdrich Novels2018-11-06T15:18:06-05:00

Non-Fiction November 2018: Week Four (Carol Off)


Non-Fiction November is hosted this year by Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness), Julie (JulzReads), Sarah (Sarah’s Book Shelves), Katie (Doing Dewey) and Rennie (What’s Nonfiction). It's a month-long celebration of everything nonfiction with a different prompt and a different host each week. Week four's theme is Reads Like Fiction and it's hosted by

Non-Fiction November 2018: Week Four (Carol Off)2018-10-30T19:17:29-04:00

Mavis Gallant’s “The Remission” (1979)


Here, Eric inhabits a room like Carmela’s in “The Four Seasons”, in the Unwins’ home: the kind “assigned to someone’s hapless, helpless paid companions, who would have marvelled at the thought of its lending shelter to a dying man”. And Eric is dying, like the father in “The End

Mavis Gallant’s “The Remission” (1979)2018-11-17T17:23:59-05:00
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