The 2011 Toronto Book Award Winner is…


Hearing the author read at Toronto's Word on the Street festival this year truly highlighted the humour of this novel. (It's hard to find funny novels, isn't it?! Apparently the judges thought so too, and wanted to make sure this one got noticed.) But even straight from the

The 2011 Toronto Book Award Winner is…2011-10-16T21:45:11-04:00

Nicholas Ruddock’s The Parabolist (2010)


Nicholas Ruddock's The Parabolist Doubleday, 2010 It's ironic. One of the women in Nicholas Ruddock's novel is thinking about the heroines of Emma Bovary and Anna Karenina. "Look at all those passionate women, the ones in novels, the ones who wore their hearts on their sleeves," she says. "They all

Nicholas Ruddock’s The Parabolist (2010)2014-03-15T15:00:27-04:00

Weekend Sampling:ReLit (Week Four)


You might remember that I've been sampling books from Indie presses that have been shortlisted for this year's ReLit Awards. Not just novels, but short stories, even poetry (which is adventurous for me). For a month of Sundays (at least), I'm Buried in ReLit Print. One Bloody Thing After Another,Joey Comeau (ECW) Sample:

Weekend Sampling:ReLit (Week Four)2019-10-16T15:37:47-04:00

Letter-Perfect: Etienne’s Alphabet (2010)


James King's Étienne's Alphabet Cormorant Books, 2010 Stephen Chambers has been charged with the task of presenting Étienne Morneau's memoir. (I Googled him, but he is fictional; I fell for it book, spine, and thinker.) Morneau, himself, before he died, had tried for six months to write a conventional autobiography,  but he

Letter-Perfect: Etienne’s Alphabet (2010)2014-03-15T14:57:34-04:00

Dear Literary Handbook


Beverly Cleary's Dear Mr. Henshaw (1983) (And my Holman-Harmon Handbook to Literature) I hadn't given this book a thought for my series on Letters for this autumn, but I happened upon a copy of it at a booksale a couple of weeks ago, and I did love my Ramona re-reads (and

Dear Literary Handbook2014-03-15T14:47:24-04:00
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