September 30th, National Day for Truth and Reconciliation #ReadIndigenous


Before it was a federal statutory holiday, it was known as Orange Shirt Day, “an Indigenous-led grassroots commemorative day intended to raise awareness of the individual, family and community inter-generational impacts of residential schools, and to promote the concept of ‘Every Child Matters’”. (Government statement.) Valuing and learning the stories of

September 30th, National Day for Truth and Reconciliation #ReadIndigenous2023-09-28T14:06:53-04:00

November 2023 #MARM Margaret Atwood Reading Month Announcement


From November 1, 2023 through November 30, 2023 I’ll be reading Margaret Atwood, and you’re invited to join: yes, the 6th MARM is on the books. On the 18th, Margaret Atwood celebrates her 84th birthday and quietly I’ll be celebrating, by reading her work (maybe there will be cake).

November 2023 #MARM Margaret Atwood Reading Month Announcement2023-09-07T15:24:13-04:00

January 2023, In My Stacks


Amid the cacophony of resolutions and reflections, I’ve begun reading in January before I’ve shared my thoughts on past and future reading years of 2022 and 2023. But The Australian Legend’s Week of Australian Women Writers, which highlights science-fiction writers beginning here, has inspired me to share my

January 2023, In My Stacks2023-01-18T09:55:27-05:00

Here and Elsewhere Reading in 2022


On the day that I got my visitor’s card at the library here, I borrowed Marie-Louise Gay’s Mustafa (2018): a children’s story (Gay illustrates, writes, and translates) about a boy who searches for himself, in the space between his old country and his new country. Certains soirs, Mustafa rêve

Here and Elsewhere Reading in 20222023-01-20T14:48:28-05:00
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