The other day I wrote about the pair of Heinemann Classics I’ve read this year. Maybe you’ve seen their quintessential orange and black and white covers. They look a little like the vintage Penguins some people collect. But mostly I’ve been reading contemporary African writers.
Sometimes, after Bill made a selection for his project, I chose another book by the same author. When he was reading Ben Okri’s The Famished Road, I borrowed Every Leaf a Hallelujah from the library instead: a short fable-like story about our relationship with the wider natural world and how we navigate (and avoid) our responsibilities as inhabitants of this planet. Mangoshi is a fantastic heroine: determined and daring.
What I remember about The Famished Road was how solidly it upset my expectations about the shape of stories and how complicated its unfamiliar cosmological view seemed to me. (A little like the new Chigozie Obioma novel The Road to the Country, which actually has a diagram outlining Nigerian cosmology, so it’s easier to understand how some of the characters fit into that worldview, their vantage point on the human characters in the novel.)
Every Leaf was nothing like that and Dangerous Love is different from both: it reminds me that reading a single book from an author’s oeuvre leaves a lot unexplored. But that doesn’t create additional reading hours in a day either: one can’t read everything.

Peace Adzo Medie’s His Only Wife was Bill’s Ghanaian choice for July: perfect timing for me, because I was in the middle of another story about a young Ghanaian-American woman trying to navigate her first serious relationship with a man: Esinam Bediako’s Blood on the Brain.
In Medie’s book, the narrator is twenty-one, recently married, and living in Accra, whereas in Bediasko’s, the narrator is twenty-four, floundering in her PhD program, and dating while attending a NYC university.
Bediako’s debut could be shelved with other Ghanaian books like Ama Ata Aidoo’s classic Changes. Or with campus stories that center women’s experiences, like Mariko Tamaki’s (You) Set Me on Fire and Kiley Reid’s Come & Get It. Or with books like Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake and Nell Freudenberger’s The Newlyweds, Sheila Murray’s Finding Edward and some of Olive Senior’s stories in The Pain Tree, which focus on contemporary immigrants (life in North American cities, with family and traditions from India and Jamaica). Or with stories about different generations confronting questions about relationships and selfhood, like Ingrid Persaud’s Love after Love and Maxine Clair’s Rattlebone.
It would have a special place next to novels like Dinaw Mengestu’s, which consider the lives of immigrants and exiles in America (mostly Ethiopian), but which also feature characters who are seeking or missing father figures. (I really enjoyed Mengestu’s Someone Like Us in July, too.) While Bediako’s narrator is discovering how she fits into both Ghanaian and American culture, she is testing the foundations of her key relationships, and learning more about herself.
Medie’s belongs with novels like Ayọ̀bámi Adébáyọ̀’s debut Stay With Me and Lola Shoneyin’s The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives. The list of companion reads is shorter because Medie focuses exclusively on her narrator’s relationship: the novel’s themes are concise, the arc is constrained by youth and inexperience, and the story ends with a decision.
Her narrator studies fashion (but her work as a student and apprentice is overshadowed by what’s happening in her marriage). She is adjusting to city life, and observes some differences (say, between the upscale and the everyday open-air markets) and preferences but she is preoccupied by how infrequently she sees her husband (and how frequently, comparatively, he sees his other wife and his girlfriend). And there’s no room for empathy with characters from older generations because she experiences them mostly as burdensome; the stability this marriage offers to her and her extended family is significant, but she’s overwhelmed by the cost.
In short, she’s pressured to put others’ needs before her own, and her worth resides in this marriage:
“Since my mother told me that I would be marrying Eli, I had felt as though I was balancing our two families like a basin of water, which was full to the brim, on my head. It wasn’t easy being the key to other people’s happiness, their victory, and their vindication.”
It’s essential to keep the novel solidly rooted in her perspective, so that there’s a small amount of suspense that circles around the idea of whether this marriage will be successful. She is not his first wife; she’s been introduced into the situation in hopes of altering the current dynamics. The marriage is a source of stability for her and her mother, and agreeing to it also repays a social debt to the woman who helped them after their husband/father died… but things aren’t as they seem.

How do we begin to understand the literature of other countries when most of our reading experience is rooted in the familiar, in stories with similar shapes reflecting similar concerns. When books like Taiye Salasi’s Ghana Must Go and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah reach the top of the best seller lists in North America, how much do they move the needle on our reading experience? How many more books should we read for context, to see just how remarkable it is, for instance, to have the experiences of women centred in the narratives, or to weigh how much/whether the influence of colonial cultures impact these characters’ life choices? And, when the literary output of even one of those writers can be tremendously varied, and their preoccupations changing over the course of their lifetimes, where do we start. But perhaps that’s not the best question to ask. Maybe it’s more about the decision to start.
Have you read any of these? If not, which would serve as a(nother) beginning to suit your current reading mood?

I love the title of this post!
Like everyone else, I would love to read more from other countries. Maybe once I get my “3 books” rhythm going, I can add more of them in.
I did read His Only Wife (maybe for LW?) and really enjoyed it. I loved how the book sets you up to dislike the first wife because you don’t know her – you only know the second wife. And I honestly felt bad for that poor man for being in the middle of it all. It’s been a while since I read it, but didn’t the second wife know what she was getting into? I remember reading another one not too long ago where there was so much pressure from the family around marriage. Maybe that’s why there are so many books about marriage – there’s a lot of conflict going on there.
You’ve caught the undercurrent! 🙂 hee hee
I’m forever making slight shifts in my reading habits, always in search of that elusive “more”. /smirks
Perhaps because I felt so solidly in her view, I wasn’t particularly sorry for him but, afterwards, when I looked back at all the layers she hadn’t understood, it did seem like an impossible situation. I think what the second wife knew was that it wasn’t a perfectly happy first marriage, but I think she took that to mean it was a wholly and completely unhappy marriage, and it wasn’t that simple. That way, we got to be a little surprised too. It would’ve made a great pick for HOW in that sense.
Bediako’s Blood on the Brain reminds me more of Peace Adzo Medie’s Nightbloom. Have you read it? It’s a story told in two different perspectives, I really liked how it was presented. His Only Wife is in my list, it’s my next Medie’s.
A question – do you fell like the African literature we have access to is too centered around Nigerian writers? I’ve been having that impression, that on each continent there are certain countries that end up being more present on the lists. Japan in Asia is another example.
I’ve had Nightbloom from the library twice, once because it was nominated for the Women’s Fiction Prize and once with His Only Wife, but returned it unread both times. It just didn’t grab me, but it could have simply been that I had a lot of other loans at the time.
I think you and I share general concerns about equity in publishing; even if, ideally, authors from African/Asian countries should be proportionately represented, particularly in the context of the Big Five publishing, it does seem easier to spot Nigerian/Japanese writers on their lists. But publishing is a business, and we readers participate by virtue of what we buy and borrow (and review and discuss, etc.) so we have a role to play in making a change if we want one. Do you think maybe we tend to see what we’re looking for too? This summer, it seemed like I was seeing Ghanaian authors “everywhere” all of a sudden! heh
That happened to me too, I was seeing Ghanaian content everywhere, including Instagram (maybe they were listening, lol).
I think in the end we always tent to look for what is familiar. There are a lot of countries out there to explore, and the task can be dauting, so I can see people hovering around more familiar countries in certain continents. I certainly do it too, and I only noticed when I started tracking the countries on my TBR and read list. In Asia, Japan and South Korea are the big ones on my list.
I was going to say that it’s probably easier for publishers to take on another project by, say, a writer from X, when their last project by a writer from X proved successful, but I realise we also do the exact same thing as readers, because we’re all eager to try the books that readers we trust have pronounced well done.
I like this you’re asking these questions Marcie, because I think too often, we read one book from one culture, and assume it speaks for everyone. Interesting to note that His Only Wife, for instance, was a Reese’s pick, which is great news because it will sell well and gain a much bigger readership – yay! But then we also run into the danger (too strong a word, but you know what i mean) about people assuming this book speaks for all black women of a certain background. Life is so much more nuanced than this! But you’re also right in that simply starting is what we need to focus on.
You inspired me to look into Reese’s bookclub, which I don’t feel like I’ve spent much time thinking about (being more of the Oprah Bookclub generation) and I’m surprised to see that I’ve read more than a few (including one of the 2024’s, Redwood Court), but sometimes without the cute little badge. Anyone loyally reading her choices seems to have a fair chance of realising how diverse “The Black Experience” truly is but, then again, I bet a lot of her followers are only looking for the “next Where The Crawdads Sing” and skipping a bunch of her selections. I know I’ve been often surprised to find that my own idea of my reading habits doesn’t match the reality when I actually look at my log and my choices.
You raise many interesting questions here, Marcie. I admit my reading of authors from different countries is not as frequent as I’d hope it to be, although much better than it was even 7-8 years ago. As you say, we can’t read everything. It does help to try and set a deliberate focus area, as it seems blogger Bill has done. A friend passed along Ben Okri’s The Age of Magic and it’s sitting on my nightstand right now, awaiting its time. You’ve given me a thought to perhaps try and set a friendly reading goal for next year of reading more authors outside the US/UK/Canada.
Bill’s reading projects seem to have started as one-year-long experiments that have had lasting impact: one book a month leading to many more. Gradual changes always work best for me, too. I agree that a specific goal can help. My desk calendar with different city illustrations was a fabulous prompt that felt really fun (in a way that a reading list might not have). Sometimes a film has set me to exploring. Okri’s The Age of Magic looks great; I would like to read more of his poetry too.
I love reading about these different books to the ones I’m reading – I just finished “Only Big Bum Bum Matters Tomorrow” by Damilare Kuku, which looks at women’s experience in Nigeria, and love the older Heinemann series, too, picking them up as I find them in charity and second-hand shops.
That looks like fun! I’ll look out for your review. Oh, yes, you’re perfectly situated to find some of them second-hand I’m sure. But I suppose you suffer from the same problem that I have; I do WANT to read them, but the newer books are so enticing.
I reviewed it a few days ago
I was hoping you’d leave the link: thank you! I’ll keep an eye out for this one. (Looks like it’s not quite in NA yet.)
I’ve yet to read any Ben Okri, but I definitely want to. Even if it’s not necessarily representative (and maybe there is nothing really representative, as you suggest) Every Leaf a Hallelujah might make a gentler 😉 start.
Exactly. And the art is bold and striking too.
Isn’t Every Leaf an Hallelujah wonderful? I really enjoyed it. Very different from Okri’s poetry and his longer novels.
Always the storyteller!
I appreciate that reading along for you is often reading a companion book rather than the same book. I get to share, at least a little, your wider perspective. I’m going to keep reading ‘Black Africa’ for another year, rather than start a new project. We have barely made a start on the new vistas that are opening up (not that I am not starting a long way behind you).
It is proving difficult, don’t you think, though to find writers that have stayed in Africa. You can’t blame them of course, but so many of the best end up studying and then teaching in English and US programmes. And already quite a number of African writers have been born overseas.
Lastly, for now, it is interesting that one perspective we are coming across quite often, is the poor (I mean unfortunate) young woman who must negotiate being just one of her husband’s wives.
It does seem like a lifelong project, really, but another year would surely help bring more focus to your future reading. Maybe I’ll be able to get to more of my Heinemann copies if you extend your plans too.
Definitely! It would probably help to identify some publishers and distributors who are outside the channels through which we usually locate reading.
I suppose, given the enduring popularity of marriage as a theme, that does make sense. I’m keen to see what other patterns emerge too.