On the second-last page of A Swim in a Pond in the Rain, George Saunders explains that writing the book turned out to be a chance to ask himself “again” and “at length” this question:
“Do you still want to devote your life to fiction?” Spoiler: he does.
He’s asking this as a writer, and I suspect that most people who choose to read this book are writers (mostly because of the subtitle).
But one could also ask this question as a reader.
A reader who either already has an affinity for short stories, but wants to understand where that appreciation is rooted.
Or a reader who does not have an affinity for the short form, but has a general curiosity about how some writers approach, construct, and shape narratives.
Or a reader who simply wants to understand more about the relationship between a reader and a story: what pushes us apart, what pulls us together again.
There is a tremendous amount of detail, as Saunders studies seven short stories. For the first story, he prints one page of the story alongside another page (or more) with his notes and observations about that page. After awhile, he switches to two pages of the story, because his reflections are meticulous, and he recognises that it’s a lot to absorb. (He wants to pull us back into the process, keep us engaged.)
Bill @The Australian Legend has intended to read this for some time, which aligned with my intention to return to it as well (I borrowed it from the library but left it unfinished), so we are going to read it this year. We’re thinking one story each month, with an announcement post around the 1st which we’ll update around the 15th to include discussion. For this month, we’ll have two distinct posts: on Saturday February 15th, we’ll chat about Chekhov.
Saunders’ tone is energetic and robust, and his sly, sorta-sideways-glance makes me smile sometimes. Little touches like “let’s face it” and “yes, wow” make it feel chatty. There’s a space for uncertainty: “Who knows why?” so that we can feel the shrug where different interpretations can live. But, even so, there’s something intimidating about this book for me, so I’m happy to have company while moving through it.
If you’d like to join by reading along with us—the short stories or Saunders’ commentary or both, or even just one story that coincides with other reading you’re already planning for this year—these are the stories:
Anton Chekhov “In the Cart” (February)
Ivan Turgenev “The Singers” (March)
Anton Chekhov “The Darling” (April)
Leo Tolstoy “Master and Man” (May)
Nikolai Gogol “The Nose” (June)
Anton Chekhov “Gooseberries” (July)
Leo Tolstoy “Alyosha the Pot” (August)
FEBFEBRUARY 15th: These stories, Saunders tell us, are part of a “resistance literature”.
They’re written by “progressive reformers in a repressive culture, under constant threat of censorship, in a time when a writer’s politics could lead to exile, imprisonment, and execution.”
Where, as he describes it, the resistance is “quiet, at a slant”.
His commentary on the stories is presented not only to writers but to people who value stories.
For the “people who’ve put reading at the center of their lives because they know from experience that reading makes them more expansive, generous people and makes their lives more interesting.”
The aspect of the book that I appreciate most, so far, is the sense that Saunders isn’t telling you what to think about a story, he’s showing you how one can think about stories. He is revealing his process and inviting you to share yours.
In the very first paragraph, he describes his course at Syracuse University (this book is a truncated and portable version) with its ultimate goal of finding one’s unique approach.
Of locating what makes the participants uniquely themselves: “their strengths, weaknesses, obsessions, peculiarities, the whole deal.” His job, as he sees it, is to “help them acquire the technical means to become defiantly and joyfully themselves.”

In this first chapter, he exposes his own answers to simple questions about how readers might respond to this Chekhov story, as he moves through it page-by-page. (He includes comments about how some elements of his response remain consistent whenever he rereads this story and what elements shift.)
Straight away, I resisted answering them. When I borrowed this from the library previously, I answered the questions in my mind, and I felt a little guilty about not committing to the process, and returned the book unfinished (for another borrower’s hold). It felt like the timing was off, but I was disinclined this time too. When I sat down to read this chapter, I’d pick up another book instead.

What was I afraid of, getting it wrong? Even though Saunders’ entire approach emphasises individuality, one reader’s response to one story, somehow I brought to it my own concern of not being _______ enough to really understand it.
Not… Insightful enough? Not…Compassionate enough? These are some of the weaknesses and obsessions and peculiarities that I brought to my reading of this story. Along with an idea deeply rooted in my learning about literature, which I have worked to uproot over many years, but it still persists. That there is only ONE way to engage with literature—the correct way.
There is something technically or mechanically challenging about Saunders’ book—in that his commentary is granular and intense. After we read a single page of the story’s text, he writes for a few pages about that page. It takes patience and concentration to follow what he shares of his individual response. He draws attention to specific words, to sentence structure, to an accumulation of detail as events unfold. There were instances where I had to reread, not only his commentary but then reread the story page itself.
But I think the greater challenge in Saunders’ book is a creative and human challenge—he resituates the responsibility we have as readers. He reminds us of what Jeanette Winterson describes in Art Objects: “I do not mean the endless dross-skimming that passes for literacy, I mean the ability to engage with a text as you would another human being.”
Winterson writes: “To find its relationship to you that is not its relationship to anyone else.” Saunders writes: “That’s really all a story is: a limited set of elements that we read against one another.” This requires an investment, of not only time but of our deeper selves.
Once we have finished reading the story, Saunders writes: “If we feel we are nothing and have always been nothing, that’s one story. But if we feel that we are nothing and then, in one miractulous instant, remember that, once, we were something—is that a happier story or a sadder one?” And, his answer? “Well, depends.”
He concludes this chapter with thoughts on the artist’s responsibility. By then he has shifted the discussion to De Sica’s film “Bicycle Thieves” (which I have yet to rewatch), so it is not all about writers anymore. We have moved into the realm of storytelling and all the different means by which stories are conveyed
Above, I said that this is the aspect of Saunders’ commentary that I most appreciate. His willingness to validate every individual’s response to a story. His declaration that what he brings to the story is only what he brings to it; what each of us brings to it will be unique.
But this is simultaneously the most challenging element. Because if this is a relationship then we bear a responsibility in how it plays out. We bare a responsibility to bring our whole selves to it. As a viewer, as a reader—or as Winterson puts it, as the audience.
Which means that each of us can choose to “become defiantly and joyfully” ourselves. Or, not. Meanwhile, the new season of “Severance” is still underway. I haven’t watched the second season of “Squid Game” yet either. Neither of those feels like work. “Well, depends.”
If these are resistance stories, it makes sense that it would require effort to read them (at least as much effort as the resistant writers invested in their creation). But how much effort is too much effort? And isn’t it possible that “In the Cart” (also called “The Schoolmistress”) could just be about a cart or a schoolmistress (and not about the ability to locate defiance and joy in a reflection of the sunset in a window)?

For those who aren’t reading along in Saunders, these questions exist outside the context of this story too. Just because a writer has encoded a deeper meaning in a story, does the reader have an obligation to respond to it? How much time do you want to spend thinking an author’s decision to use one word rather than another? Can’t a reader simply choose reading as an escape? Are there writers who write for that audience alone? And does that change a reader’s relationship to their stories?
NOTE: This post doesn’t contain any pointed spoilers, but the comments likely will. And, next month, a post on the 1st will appear as a reminder of the next chapter that Bill and I plan to read (one month/story, through August).
After reading your post about the story a couple of days ago, I’ve been mulling over whether my dislike of the Saunders book stems from my fear of failure or getting it wrong too! Or it could be the even more simple reason of not liking being told what to do! But I believe my resistance is about not being smart enough or insightful enough. Thanks so much for sharing your fears, I will now approach his next chapter with more awareness and be on the look out for comments that trigger me!
The final scene in the story has also stayed with me. Poor Marya – to be suddenly reminded of her mother and her childhood – the happiness, the love and warmth of her family home. A sliding door moment where she fleetingly glimpsed what her life may have been like if her parents had not died when she was so young – only to be brought back to her real life of drudgery, loneliness and oppressiveness.
I’m looking forward to reading your post, more of your thoughts, about Saunders (I’ve been preoccupied by another series of posts this week as February draws to a close), in the next while. Maybe it was on Bill’s site that talk of “assigned reading” came up; that’s a factor for me, too, but it’s irrational, I know! Especially in cases like this, where it’s not actually assigned! Does a discussion date alone substitute for authority, when we are free to read whatever we want whenever we want? Maybe, as silly as that seems. (Thank you, it’s hard to admit these things, isn’t it.)
Your sliding-door comment is so appealing. I’m intrigued, too, by a comment that Bill made, about wanting to know more about how these authors express resistance (in a culture characterised by censorship); this moment is such a touchstone in the story, so empowering, that we can’t help but glimpse the power of hope, so dangerous to dictatorships everywhere. And not only glimpse it, but feel it.
I always intended to come back here and address your 15 Feb comments, it just took me a while. I say a couple of times in my own post that you respond to Saunders’ ‘lecture’ as a writer, and I as a reader – quite often over the past few years you have written something that pulled me up, about how a particular string of words worked to create an image, an impression – but in fact I see on rereading that a lot of your response is about Saunders showing us how to read, we “people who’ve put reading at the center of their lives”.
Often during Ch 1 I found Saunders’ chat intrusive. I felt as I did in ‘middle school’ (Australia doesn’t have middle school) when I would ignore my teacher and classmates and just read ahead. I can see from what you got out of this first chapter that I am going to have to approach the second with a new attitude.
I felt like that was a great way of saying it, because I do recall the point in my life where I put reading at the centre of it. But, back then, I did read primarily for escape, and I know I didn’t think much about what I was reading (and I don’t think the authors of the books I was reading gave much thought to their writing either…hello, Enid Blyton). I think he says at one point (maybe in a footnote?) that he knows this technique is disruptive, that that too is revealing because it demonstrates for us that we actually do want to continue with the story, we really only want to read rather than analyse the writing. But I can wholly understand that this volume could be very annoying and/or overwhelming. It’s a good one to read in company, I think. (I thought middle-school was an American phenomenon, like summer camp, but Naomi was saying it’s quite common out east.)
[…] in my bedroom, staring accusingly – after I received it as a gift a couple of years ago. When Marcie/Buried in Print suggested we might read it together this year, one story a month from Feb to Aug, I jumped at the […]
So now I’ve read the story, a couple of times, and Saunders’ lecture. I don’t dislike his commentary but it is directed at writers, not readers, and at this point I don’t feel I’ve got a lot from it. I hope he develops his argument that these are writers of ‘resistance’.
To make sure such readers of mine who are not also readers of you don’t miss out. I’ve written a post on the first chapter, on the story mostly, which I will put up tomorrow (Fri night your time, Sat morning here).
This feels like an essential point, this readers and writers distinction. And I have a hard time spotting the line. It feels so intertwined. I can readily see how this isn’t a book for every reader (and I find his level of detail exhausting much of the time). But does that mean the book is only for writers? Writers should be attentive and thoughtful readers, to understand the workings of story. But shouldn’t readers be attentive and thoughtful too? Or, is that kind of thinking only appropriate for an elite course of study at a high-priced institution of learning? Or, is it a matter of intensity and nobody really ever needs to think that much, that intensely? I’m posing these questions to myself too.
“shouldn’t readers be attentive and thoughtful too?” Maybe, I certainly struggle to understand why I find some writers ‘good’ and some not. But on the other hand you run into the problem of the huge numbers of people put off particular books for life because they were set texts (The brilliant Catcher in the Rye being a prime example). I am interested in what good writers did, but only after the fact, after I have lived all the way through the book, barely knowing what the words were which got me there. Which is why I rarely take notes.
Note-taking is nearly as disruptive as this one-page-this, one-page-that method of analysis; I used to read every reveiw book twice, taking notes on the second reading (but now I read backlists instead, and only occasionally reread an assigned book). You raise another interesting point, that even the idea that we are intended to be thinking, intended to be learning…that alone somehow is a deterrent. Why is the book that we “should” be reading such a burden, even when we conjure up the “should”ness oursleves, as with a project like this, or a bookgroup read. Let alone when it’s deemed a requirement by an institution.
Neat project! I love the idea of focusing deeply on one short story a month. I’m a fan of Saunders but haven’t picked this book up because it seemed kinda “niche.”
But, then, think of Lincoln in the Bardo…talk about a niche concept! heheh
Ha ha! You’re right! I did actually love Lincoln in the Bardo!
Fun! I like a chatty book, so that should make the reading easier and smoother. I will follow from the sidelines (no shock there) but I look forward to reading these posts!
You mean you’re not going to look for all those old Russian classics on audio? hee hee
I suspect I will not join in, but I do look forward to the discussions!
Do you follow Saunders’ Substack by chance? I appreciated his post (public) just after the election about his writing about politics and his intention to write/publish more on the subject in certain venues.
I do not read his substack. Didn’t even know he had one!
I’m so glad you are both doing this! Like you I borrowed it from the library but didn’t get it finished before I had to return it. Also like you I found the first story and his commentary drew me in. I suspect the book requires focus which I didn’t have at the time. And I have ready very little Russian literature (apart from War and Peace). I will find a copy and follow along. Whether I keep up is another issue 🙂
Yay, I was hoping you’d see this! (I’ve been meaning to email.) Yesterday I looked for other alternate story titles (but only found the one Brona mentioned) but, otherwise, I haven’t started to read it again myself either. Still time…
Well, I’m afraid that book wasn’t for me – I loved the original stories but hated the commentary so much I wanted to throw the book across the room! But that’s just my personal take and I hope your project is rewarding and it’s a book for you – good luck!
Heheh The only thing I could remember was that you hadn’t enjoyed what you’d read of Saunders, but I couldn’t remember if you’d read this volume (or part of it, anyway) or simply knew from other experiences that you would not like it. Either way, I knew your message would not be an enthusiastic “Count me in!”
Really interesting project, I’ll look forward to hearing how you get on. I really enjoy Chekhov’s short stories.
I’ve only read a handful but in each instance I wondered why I hadn’t read more. Actually, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anyone say they DON’T like Chekhov!
[…] you may have seen Marcie’s post in Buried in Print today, she and I are going to read a chapter a month of George Saunders’ […]
George Saunders’ short stories aren’t for me (I’m something of an outlet in that respect), but I’ve never tried his non-fiction. Your project sounds interesting, though, and I’m curious to hear more about these classic Russian stories.
I’ve only read one volume and it was more a case of admire than enjoy. Over the years since that was published, I have tried a few standalones and I liked them much more, so now I’m not sure if I might feel differently about the earlier stories if I were to reread. Maybe this volume will offer some clues. But either way, I want to read and contemplate these classic stories, that some of my favourite writers value(d) so highly.
I started the Saunders book, but did not get on with his voice, but I would love to read the Russians with you and Bill – you can perhaps distil Saunders for me 🙂
FYI: I found the first story on Project Gutenberg but with the title ‘The Schoolmistress’.
It wouldn’t take long for someone to see whether it’s a good fit for them: he gets right to it!
Ohhh, thank you. I’ll have a look to see what other titles might exist and add a note to the post.
Love this intentionality and commitment for your reading this year! I was never a huge fan of Saunders (though I just read Tenth of December by him many years ago and gave it three stars). Though I often don’t enjoy short story collections, the ones that resonate really do deeply resonate (like Jhumpa Lahiri’s short stories for me). Looking forward to seeing how this reading goes for you (:
That’s the only one I’ve read too! Just a few single stories since. (And Lincoln in the Bardo, years later, which is really different.) I bet the student in you, and the perfectionist in you, would appreciate the level of focus and detail he brings to this volume. But I can also imagine you, like Kaggsy, wanting to throw it across the room! heheh
Marcie kindly didn’t mention a daughter gave me this Saunders a couple of years ago and it has been staring accusingly at me from my bedroom bookcase ever since. I have never given a lot of thought to the Russians – though I’ve read the standard Dostoyevskys and Tolstoys – so I’m looking forward to reading them here, annotated for would-be writers. (For those who don’t know, I’m the ‘Bill’ above).
And thankyou Janakay, I’d forgotten Lincoln on the Bardo which I thought at the time mostly pretentious nonsense written by a professor to show off his grasp of postmodern theory. I wonder what I’ll think after seven months up close and personal with the author.
You’ve read enough of the Russians to catch that error I made in muddling up my Tolstoys in a review! (I have read several of the biggies, but so long ago that it almost feels like I only read about them, didn’t actually read them.)
I didn’t realise you’d read that one! Yes, I wonder too. It seems like it could go hard either way, whether pretentiously pretentious or aunthentic appreciation. Then again, maybe it’s not a marmite book–I can also imagine readers who would be simply bored, unmoved.
What an interesting project! Since I’m not particularly well read with respect either to George Saunders (I’ve read Lincoln in the Bardo, but that’s about it) or the Russians, apart from a classic novel or two, I look forward to your posts!
I suspect, given the nature of the works, that most of them are available online in various formats (let alone a wealth of material about/with George Saunders). I would like to have read more of both (Saunders and the Russians), but hopefully I’ll learn a few things along the way.