“Before I was a writer, I always wanted to be Elvis Presley.”
Reading Alistair MacLeod, from the Beginning
“I just wish he’d write more.” (David Adams Richards) “I think if you’re Irish and maybe it coves all the world…but if you’re irish certainly the stories give you a great shock.” (Colm Toibin) He has all “the tenderness and the brutality together”. (Lisa Moore) “I think those stories are as good as anything that has ever been written.” (Alexander MacLeod, ok, yeah, he’s his son, but he’s not the only person with this opinion).
Week by week, Story by story: Alistair MacLeod (16 stories, 2021-2022) Mavis Gallant (123 short stories, 2017-2020) and Alice Munro (147 short stories, 2011-2015). Who’s next?
From websites to prizelists, from “staff picks” to magazines: where do you find short stories to read?.
Allowing too much time to pass without reading a short story is like leaving too much time between desserts: eventually I must have one.
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Wonder what makes stories tick?
“The best short stories contain novels. Either they are densely plotted, with each line an insight, or they distill emotions that could easily have spread on for pages, chapters.”
“The divine art is the story. In the beginning was the story…. Within our whole universe the story only has authority to answer the cry of heart of its characters, that one cry of heart of each of them: ‘Who am I?'”