Josip Novakovich’s Tumbleweed (2017)


As you might have guessed, the characters in Tumbleweed are always in motion. Sometimes literally, as with a hitchhiker in the title story, who has come to an abrupt stop and views the world differently from his sudden stillness. "Through the tinted glass, I beheld quite a sight before

Josip Novakovich’s Tumbleweed (2017)2017-12-11T17:48:28-05:00

Deborah Willis’ The Dark and Other Love Stories (2017)


Delicate and deliberate, these stories are sometimes startling and always moving. In some, the darkness is overt and inescapable; in others, quietly pervasive and creeping. A passage from "Welcome to Paradise" seems to whisper of the author's motivations: "Even now I like ghost towns and abandoned houses, places that seem

Deborah Willis’ The Dark and Other Love Stories (2017)2020-09-30T08:55:10-04:00

Alison Watt’s Dazzle Patterns (2017)


The thing with an explosion is that it comes out of nowhere. And that's exactly what happens in Alison Watt's debut novel. Even though I knew that the 1917 event was at the heart of this Halifax story, I was completely absorbed in Clare and Fred's ordinary workday at

Alison Watt’s Dazzle Patterns (2017)2017-10-25T13:21:19-04:00

Autumn 2017 In My Reading Log (Non-fiction and Not-quite-fiction)


In which there is talk of true stories and stories that fall between the cracks of imagined facts and probabilities. Kyo Maclear's Birds Art Life (2017) Arranged as though composed over a twelve-month period, this would seem to be the perfect book to read slowly, meditatively. To allow the pages

Autumn 2017 In My Reading Log (Non-fiction and Not-quite-fiction)2017-10-25T17:17:49-04:00

On Being Married – Happily and Unhappily – and Reading Around


Sarah Dunn's new novel, The Arrangement takes Owen and Lucy, who are imagining themselves unhappily married in the future, and encourages them to sleep around. The idea comes to the happily married couple via a conversation at a dinner party, which is also how Sarah Dunn came upon the idea

On Being Married – Happily and Unhappily – and Reading Around2017-10-30T11:30:28-04:00
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