“Carried Away” Alice Munro


Could be that "Carried Away" is my favourite Alice Munro story. 1994; Penguin, 1999 Not only because Louisa is a librarian. (But that certainly helps.) "The Librarian’s desk was in the archway between the front and back rooms. The books were on shelves set in rows in the

“Carried Away” Alice Munro2014-03-31T15:57:28-04:00

“Wigtime” Alice Munro


One might say that Margot was playing Barbara's game of "Apples and Oranges", choosing between a nice house and a fresh start. 1990; Penguin, 1991 But if one said too much about Margot's choice, spoilers about "Wigtime" would wriggle into the discussion. Margot has made choices, indeed, but

“Wigtime” Alice Munro2014-07-11T17:16:11-04:00

“Differently” Alice Munro


Alice Munro is capable of spinning readers away from the salient detail of Austin's death in a story like "Pictures of the Ice". 1990; Penguin, 1991 Yet, she is equally capable of writing an opening which cannot be set aside and which demands rereading as the story unfolds,

“Differently” Alice Munro2014-07-11T17:16:22-04:00

“Oh, What Avails” Alice Munro


Remember when "Gravel", in Dear Life, had readers considering the way that life can shift beneath one's feet, like an aggregation of water-worn stones readjusting? 1990; Penguin, 1991 This story has one considering the formation of frazil ice, the way that loose and randomly shaped ice-crystals can form

“Oh, What Avails” Alice Munro2014-07-11T17:16:31-04:00

“Goodness and Mercy” Alice Munro


This title recalls Barbara's "Oranges and Apples" game, the idea of having to choose between two things. 1990; Penguin, 1991 It also echoes Anne having asked Matthew, en route to Green Gables: "Which would you rather be if you had the choice--divinely beautiful or dazzlingly clever or angelically

“Goodness and Mercy” Alice Munro2014-07-11T17:16:42-04:00
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