“Friend of My Youth” Alice Munro


The title story of this collection begins with talk of an act being "too transparent in its hopefulness, too easy in its forgiveness". 1990; Penguin, 1991 On first reading, this seems a straightforward observation about the narrator's relationship with her mother. She has been dreaming of her mother

“Friend of My Youth” Alice Munro2014-07-11T17:17:48-04:00

“Dear Life” Alice Munro


This the last of four stories published at the end of Dear Life under Finale, four works that are "not quite stories" but, rather, works "autobiographical in feeling, though not, sometimes, entirely so in fact. I believe they are the first and last -- and the closest -- things I

“Dear Life” Alice Munro2014-03-20T19:54:50-04:00

“Voices” Alice Munro


Among the "first and last -- and the closest -- things I have to say about my own life", "Voices" is one of four stories in Finale, published at the end of Dear Life as "not quite stories", part of a "separate unit, one that is autobiographical in feeling, though not,

“Voices” Alice Munro2014-03-20T19:55:10-04:00

“Night” Alice Munro


As the second of four stories in Finale, published at the end of Dear Life as "not quite stories", "Night" is part of a "separate unit, one that is autobiographical in feeling, though not, sometimes, entirely so in fact". Random House, 2012 "I believe they are the first

“Night” Alice Munro2014-03-20T19:55:17-04:00

“The Eye” Alice Munro


This the first of four stories published at the end of this collection under Finale, described as "not quite stories." "They form a separate unit, one that is autobiographical in feeling, though not, sometimes, entirely so in fact. I believe they are the first and last -- and the closest

“The Eye” Alice Munro2014-03-20T19:55:31-04:00
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