“Dulse” Alice Munro


Originally published almost exactly 32 years ago, the events depicted in "Dulse" could have taken place 32 years prior and will, likely, still ring true 32 years hence. Lydia is a woman alone, not freshly alone -- for she has been divorced for nine years -- but self-consciously alone. Something

“Dulse” Alice Munro2014-03-20T20:06:49-04:00

“Chaddeleys and Flemings” Alice Munro


The first story in The Moons of Jupiter is a two-parter, the first originally published in "Chatelaine" and the second in "Saturday Night", in 1979. In later collections, interconnected stories were not necessarily set apart within a collection, but these two stories are exceptionally tight-knit. And because of this, with

“Chaddeleys and Flemings” Alice Munro2014-03-20T20:07:01-04:00

“Who Do You Think You Are?” Alice Munro


Who does Rose think she is? Either the question has been asked of her, or she has asked it of herself, throughout her life. It's fitting that the final story give voice to that. It's also fitting that the reader feels the question has been half-answered in the final paragraph

“Who Do You Think You Are?” Alice Munro2014-03-20T20:07:14-04:00

“Spelling” Alice Munro


Readers of Who Do You Think You Are? first met Rose's step-mother in "Royal Beating". In that first story, Flo was an agent of power (although at least part of her power is wielded through her husband), a force to be reckoned with for young Rose. In "Spelling", Rose has

“Spelling” Alice Munro2014-03-20T20:07:27-04:00

“Simon’s Luck” Alice Munro


It's no coincidence that a story titled for 'luck' follows one titled for 'providence' in this collection of stories by Alice Munro. Indeed, folks in Hanratty could well have a saying, that one man's luck is another man's providence. Or vice versa. And Rose is never far from Hanratty, from

“Simon’s Luck” Alice Munro2014-03-20T20:07:59-04:00
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