Mazo de la Roche’s Master of Jalna (1933)


Although following Finch’s Fortune directly, the fortune only recently received and dispensed, Master of Jalna was actually published more than twenty years before Finch’s Fortune. It’s easy to imagine why the author would have wanted to revisit the Whiteoaks before the events of Master of Jalna play out, to

Mazo de la Roche’s Master of Jalna (1933)2018-07-27T13:34:43-04:00

Margery Sharp’s The Rescuers Series (1959-1979): Part Two


After another successful mission, and much celebration, the talented writer Miss Bianca resigns from her public post in the Mouse Prisoners’ Aid Society to devote herself to finishing a book of poetry. The P.A.S. throws a water-picnic to celebrate and there is a brass band and dancing.But, while she

Margery Sharp’s The Rescuers Series (1959-1979): Part Two2018-08-01T15:19:43-04:00

Margery Sharp’s The Rescuers Series (1959-1979): Part One


Although I was too scared to read it as a girl, I’ve read Margery Sharp’s The Rescuers (1959) twice now. Once to celebrate Margery Sharp’s birthday, in an event Jane hosted. And once to reacquaint myself with the characters before completing the series. The first volume opens with a

Margery Sharp’s The Rescuers Series (1959-1979): Part One2018-07-26T15:00:00-04:00

Louise Erdrich’s The Antelope Wife (1998)


Maybe it was because I read this one immediately following Tales of Burning Love, so I was more completely immersed in Erdrich-ness than I have been, yet, in this reading project. Or, maybe its more prominent air of mysticism charmed me from the first whiff. Either way, I loved

Louise Erdrich’s The Antelope Wife (1998)2018-09-14T19:18:41-04:00
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