Joseph Luzzi’s In a Dark Wood (2015)


Phyllis Rose took a year to read Proust and wrote her "memoir in real time". More recently, Rebecca Mead revisited Middlemarch and she, too, wrote a memoir which examined her own life in that context. In Tolstoy and the Purple Chair, Nina Sankovitch plunged into the classic Russian's work as part

Joseph Luzzi’s In a Dark Wood (2015)2015-06-16T15:56:14-04:00

“Home” Alice Munro


McClelland & Stewart, 2006 Alice's father has remarried, and Irlma has made many changes in the house. "Irlma is a stout and rosy woman, with tinted butterscotch curls, brown eyes in which there is still a sparkle, a look of emotional readiness, of being always on the brink

“Home” Alice Munro2017-07-25T11:24:12-04:00

January 2015, In My Reading Log


Ater a year of new-new-new, January has been filled with the familiar, the known. It's not been about making new-shiny-library-residing friends, but about becoming better acquainted with long-time residents of my own bookshelves, remembering what drew particular authors onto my MRE (MustReadEverything) list and particular books onto my shelves. Have

January 2015, In My Reading Log2020-10-01T12:53:35-04:00

Shifting Powers: Three Novels


Gordon Henderson’s Man in the Shadows (2014) HarperCollins, 2014 “As he helped her into the carriage, Agnes Macdonald whispered demurely, “I can lean on no other arm like yours.” Macdonald sat back contentedly and called out to the driver, “Buckley, take us to the office.” It would have

Shifting Powers: Three Novels2020-10-19T11:15:32-04:00

Theresa Kishkan’s Mnemonic: A Book of Trees (2011)


Like Sharon Butala in Perfection of the Morning (1994) and Candace Savage in The Geography of Blood (2012), Theresa Kishkan explores the relationship between landscape and memory. Goose Lane Editions, 2011 The essays in Mnemonic are titled in two ways, first with the Latin name for a tree

Theresa Kishkan’s Mnemonic: A Book of Trees (2011)2020-10-20T09:32:24-04:00
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