Two Girls Reading Girl Reading


In my early twenties, I bought Cosmopolitan religiously. But I'm not sure that I've ever read a book that was blurbed by Cosmo.  Or, if I have, it wasn't also blurbed by Hilary Mantel. But that's the case with Katie Ward's Girl Reading. (Cosmopolitan + Hilary Mantel =

Two Girls Reading Girl Reading2014-03-15T19:54:58-04:00

A Bookish Book: Romantic Moderns


When I run up against the term 'modernism' I turn the other way. (I don't know why, but I think it has something to do with Ulysses.) But, when I come across the term 'romantic' I turn back. (I know the reason for this: it lies with the epigraph to Possession, which

A Bookish Book: Romantic Moderns2014-03-15T20:09:32-04:00

Elizabeth Taylor: A Must-Read-Everything Author


We were introduced in 2001, when an English reading friend recommended her novel Angel to me, which I read in a single day. It immediately seemed like one of those books with which I'd always been familiar. And its author was secured on my Must Read Everything list. Inside my

Elizabeth Taylor: A Must-Read-Everything Author2014-03-15T18:58:18-04:00

Drawing Conclusions: Three Graphic Works


Shaun Tan’s The Arrival Arthur A. Levine Books - Scholastic Books, 2006 The wordless images in The Arrival are often breath-taking, sometimes sad and always evocative. (You can see one of them here, on the author's page.) Tan says: "I see each book as an experiment in visual and written narrative,

Drawing Conclusions: Three Graphic Works2014-03-15T18:41:06-04:00

MREs: Must-Read-Everything Authors


I've been collecting authors for so many years. Authors whose oeuvres I am determined to read. It's a never-ending reading list . At the end of last year, I noticed that I was adding to the list at a phenomenal rate and not moving as quickly with my reading. So

MREs: Must-Read-Everything Authors2014-07-11T16:52:55-04:00
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