November 2023 #MARM Margaret Atwood Reading Month (Week Four): November 22-28


What are the odds of getting sick during MARM? One month’s worth in a twelve-month. Fortunately, I was well for treats on the 18th to mark Margaret Atwood’s birthday (evidence below) and now I will simply resume, standing contrary to the calendar, declaring it week four for all MARMers.

November 2023 #MARM Margaret Atwood Reading Month (Week Four): November 22-282023-12-01T09:57:06-05:00

Margaret Atwood’s “When It Happens” and “A Travel Piece” (#MARM Week Three)


Maybe three years ago, I watched an interview with Margaret Atwood—back when all the talk was about The Testaments (either its coming or its arriving), in which she was asked whether she considers herself an optimist or a pessimist and on the following weekend, Mr BIP and I were

Margaret Atwood’s “When It Happens” and “A Travel Piece” (#MARM Week Three)2023-11-13T19:50:42-05:00

November 2023 #MARM Margaret Atwood Reading Month (Week Three): November 15-21


Welcome to Week Three, MARMers: the midpoint of the sixth iteration of this reading celebration. And, of course, there’s cake to come, because it’s the birthday week. But, in the meantime, back to the books. Coincidentally, I also discovered Margaret Atwood in the Giller-nominated Girlfriend on Mars (2023) by

November 2023 #MARM Margaret Atwood Reading Month (Week Three): November 15-212023-11-14T14:01:59-05:00

Margaret Atwood’s “First Aid” (#MARM Week Two)


When Nell comes home just before dinnertime as “First Aid” opens, many readers will recognise her immediately, as I did. I first met married couple Nell and Tig in the linked collection Moral Disorder (2006). I read that collection on the subway, mornings and early evenings; the rhythm of

Margaret Atwood’s “First Aid” (#MARM Week Two)2023-11-14T13:38:52-05:00
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