Carrie Snyder’s Girl Runner (2014)


As a fan of Carrie Snyder's The Juliet Stories, I was wriggling in my seat over the mere idea of Girl Runner. But then the anxiety crept in: there would be no Juliet, and perhaps much of the magic was hers. Just as the same river can't be stepped in twice, an

Carrie Snyder’s Girl Runner (2014)2017-07-24T15:03:20-04:00

Partitions: Neverhome (2014) and Between Clay and Dust (2012)


Neverhome is set in the years of the American Civil War and narrated by a fledgling letter-writer. She has survived the conflict and adopted this strange chore of authoring. Little, Brown and Company, 2014 "When I’d eaten up my given share of a day I’d take up my pen

Partitions: Neverhome (2014) and Between Clay and Dust (2012)2017-07-24T15:11:53-04:00

Kim Thúy’s Mãn (2013)


In discussing the different kinds of love which the Vietnamese language distinguishes between, Kim Thúy's Ru lists thích, which means "to love by taste". Random House Canada, 2014 (One may also love without being in love (thuong), love passionately (yêu), love ecstatically (mê), love blindly (mù quáng), or love gratefully (tình nghīa)

Kim Thúy’s Mãn (2013)2024-09-03T11:45:29-04:00

Alice Simpson’s Ballroom (2014)


The reader moves onto the floor with great excitement, turning the initial pages of a debut novel, heartbeat slightly accelerated, hopes and expectations heightened. It is a dance: this movement between reader and story. Alice Simpson's Ballroom takes that connection seriously. HarperCollins, 2014 The very structure of the

Alice Simpson’s Ballroom (2014)2014-10-27T16:51:21-04:00

Tamai Kobayashi’s Prairie Ostrich (2014)


You might be tempted to call eight-year-old Egg Murakami enchanting or winsome. Even plucky or spirited. Goose Lane Editions, 2014 Each of these terms does reflect Egg in some sense. But such descriptions suggest something young-Oprah-heroine-esque about her. Egg’s character is too fully rounded to simply select the

Tamai Kobayashi’s Prairie Ostrich (2014)2014-09-02T16:49:08-04:00
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