Arjun Basu’s Waiting for the Man (2014)


“We crave narrative,” Joe tells us. And the Reader who picks up Arjun Basu’s Waiting for the Man nods: a narrative craver. ECW Press, 2014 “We believe we are uninteresting without a compelling story.” But Joe himself no longer finds his story compelling. The Reader meets Joe when

Arjun Basu’s Waiting for the Man (2014)2014-07-11T16:34:12-04:00

Greg Kearney’s The Desperates (2013)


In the beginning, Joel gets a new job. It's a moment that might be filled with potential, promise. He could be the figure on the cover of the novel, leaping into the air. Alternatively, Joel could be that figure on the cover and be plummeting to the earth, about to

Greg Kearney’s The Desperates (2013)2020-10-22T12:22:44-04:00

Scott Westerfeld’s Uglies Series


At the beginning of the novel, where an epigraph might appear, is a note from the author, explaining that Uglies was shaped by a series of email exchanges between Scott Westerfeld and author Ted Chiang about his story “Liking What You See: A Documentary”. At the end of Ted Chiang's

Scott Westerfeld’s Uglies Series2019-08-28T13:13:59-04:00

Priscila Uppal’s Projection (2013)


At twenty-eight years old, Priscila Uppal meets her mother in Brazil, twenty years after her mother has abandoned daughter-son-husband. Two decades later, their relationship is a complicated one between near-strangers. They spend twelve days together and the experience is shared in Projection within a framework of movie titles. This organizing

Priscila Uppal’s Projection (2013)2014-06-26T14:55:43-04:00

Mary Lawson’s Road Ends (2013)


You might think Struan is an unlikely setting for a novel. A town you can walk through in under ten minutes (even on slippery wintry surfaces). Knopf Canada, 2013 "Walking from one end of Struan to the other takes less than ten minutes. If you kept walking south

Mary Lawson’s Road Ends (2013)2014-06-26T14:46:10-04:00
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