Khanh Ha’s The Demon Who Peddled Longing (2014)


The Demon Who Peddled Longing is rich with the kind of sensory experience that translates into a reader’s complete immersion into another time and place, allowing them to fully inhabit a 19-year-old boy’s experience in Vietnam. Khanh Ha’s Flesh, a visceral and harrowing read, serves as a brilliant companion for his

Khanh Ha’s The Demon Who Peddled Longing (2014)2014-12-05T08:28:10-05:00

On Courtney Crumrin, Lucy Knisley, and Faith Erin Hicks


There's a new girl at school. One who hasn't heard about Courtney Crumrin and who dares to sit with her at lunch. Readers, however, are well-acquainted with Courtney by now; this is the fifth book in the series about the irrepressible girl who dares to go into dark places and

On Courtney Crumrin, Lucy Knisley, and Faith Erin Hicks2014-07-11T16:46:13-04:00

Cecil Foster’s Independence (2014)


Desmond has returned to the island because the prime minister has asked those who went abroad to help rebuild the nation, now that it has gained its independence. Harper Collins Publishers, 2014 Cecil Foster's experience is not unlike Desmond's, but Independence is rooted in the story of a

Cecil Foster’s Independence (2014)2014-07-11T17:08:05-04:00

Jami Attenberg’s The Middlesteins (2012)


Jami Attenberg’s novel is about what we wrap up. The cover of The Middlesteins appears to be a fast-food burger wrapper: quintessentially flavourful but fleeting. Edie’s mother watches Edie’s father’s heart beat beneath the skin of his chest. Edie notices the bones at the top of her chest, poking out like

Jami Attenberg’s The Middlesteins (2012)2014-05-13T14:08:31-04:00

River Cottage Veg: 200 Inspired Vegetable Recipes


Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's River Cottage Veg: 200 Inspired Vegetable Recipes is 1/3 cup richness, 1/3 cup indulgence, and 1/3 cup pizzazz. Appetite - Random House, 2013 The introduction explains that "this is a vegetable cookbook". It depends on your politics and your point-of-view whether it's a vegetarian cookbook, he maintains. For his point-of-view? "I

River Cottage Veg: 200 Inspired Vegetable Recipes2014-07-11T16:11:14-04:00
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