Austin Clarke’s The Meeting Point (1967)


The first volume of his Toronto trilogy introduces readers to Bernice Leach, who has left Barbados to work in Toronto as a housekeeper in an upscale neighbourhood in the 1960s. She has left behind a son and his father, as well as a mother and a sister, and she is

Austin Clarke’s The Meeting Point (1967)2015-10-06T10:02:44-04:00

In the Wake: Books which Suit RIP X


In the past, I've made large stacks of creepy reading with the RIP challenges in mind, but I  have a habit of stacking up many lovely possibilities but then choosing different books altogether later on. Perhaps this is partly because books can surprise you and take you in unexpected directions.

In the Wake: Books which Suit RIP X2024-05-31T19:04:12-04:00

“Child’s Play” Alice Munro


On the list of 10 Perfect Alice Munro sentences, recently selected by CBC, this is the first: "Every year, when you’re a child, you become a different person." It begs the question, "When does one stop becoming somebody new every year?" Perhaps after an event like the incident described in this

“Child’s Play” Alice Munro2024-05-31T19:08:25-04:00

“Face” Alice Munro


"You think that would have changed things?" "The answer is of course, and for a while, and never." In interview with Eleanor Wachtel, Nick Hornby discusses the "problem of being divided being two worlds" saying that many of us have a version of this in our own lives. This is true

“Face” Alice Munro2017-07-25T11:22:56-04:00

Summer Reading To-Do List for Stormy Days (4 of 4)


Such good reading this summer, so far. In other respects, perhaps mine has not been the most productive summer. But it all depends what one puts on a to-do list, doesn't it! What if your to-do list was all about the books in your stacks? House of Anansi, 2015

Summer Reading To-Do List for Stormy Days (4 of 4)2024-04-04T09:44:24-04:00
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