Rawi Hage’s De Niro’s Game (2006)


Rawi Hage has said that De Niro's Game began as a short story. A short story that continued to grow. "I finally, out of nowhere, had a novel on my hands and I sent it to a few places and I got a few responses." The scenic construction does remind

Rawi Hage’s De Niro’s Game (2006)2020-05-21T16:06:48-04:00

No sobbing required: A different kind of animal story


Finally: a story about animals that won't leave you in a puddle, heart-broken, swearing off all other animal stories for life. (I won't name them here, because including them in this context is truly spoilerific, but you know the stories I'm referring to. We probably cried in all the same

No sobbing required: A different kind of animal story2014-03-20T15:39:43-04:00

“Jesse and Meribeth” Alice Munro


Friendships between schoolgirls like Jessie and MaryBeth -- for that is how their names are properly spelled, although they like to pretend to be Jesse and Meribeth -- are complicated. It's not the first time Alice Munro has grappled with the subject. The intricacies of relationships between schoolchildren also feature

“Jesse and Meribeth” Alice Munro2014-07-11T15:48:04-04:00

Remembering: A Village Fool, A Village Hero


The cover of The Secret of the Village Fool displays Renné Benoit's gentle style of illustration and invites the reader into an inspiring and powerful tale. But it also shows the anxiety and uneasiness of Milek and Munio, two young boys in their village in Poland during WWII. Their neighbour, Anton,

Remembering: A Village Fool, A Village Hero2014-03-20T14:56:39-04:00

Kyo Maclear’s Virginia Wolf (2012)


"If we’re lucky, art can help us through our wolfishness."* And it does, indeed, help Virginia get through her wolfishness. As does her sister, Vanessa. And the painting of Bloomsberry. What's this? A children's book about Virginia Woolf? But we all know how THAT story ends. And, yet,

Kyo Maclear’s Virginia Wolf (2012)2014-03-20T13:14:14-04:00
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