Dear 84 Charing Cross Road


When I first mentioned that Fridays were going to be reserved for letters, Laura mentioned Helene Hanff's epistolary classic right off. She reminded me how much I love this collection. And, so, I pulled the volume off the shelf and aimed for a re-read. If you're reading these

Dear 84 Charing Cross Road2014-03-15T16:20:22-04:00

Letters: Always, Rachel


Always, Rachel: The Letters of Rachel Carson and Dorothy Freeman, 1952-1964 The Story of a Remarkable Friendship (Ed. Martha Freeman) Beacon Press, 1995 Did you catch my letter to autumn on its equinox last week? I was saying how I love letters. That I'll be Buried In Epistolary Print on

Letters: Always, Rachel2014-03-13T21:28:07-04:00

Timothy Findley’s Spadework (2001)


Timothy Findley's Spadework (2001) This is an author who has been particularly important to me. In that peculiar way in which someone with whom you have had virtually no contact can affect you more than people with whom you have spent years of your life. So I delayed reading his

Timothy Findley’s Spadework (2001)2014-03-13T20:58:26-04:00

Beverly Cleary’s Ramona the Brave (1975)


Beverly Cleary's Ramona the Brave (1975) Illus. Alan Tiegreen It's the summertime, the summer before Ramona goes into the first grade; it's only a few months after Ramona the Pest, the gap is hardly noticeable. There's not much to do in the summertime. Ramona and Howie play brick factory (a

Beverly Cleary’s Ramona the Brave (1975)2014-03-14T19:28:11-04:00

The Early Betsy Tacy Books (1940-1)


Maud Hart Lovelace's Betsy Tacy (1940) Illus. Lois Lenski Harper Collins, 1968 I first met Betsy, Tacy and Tib when I was nine or ten, but I didn't know them as well as I might have. I kept re-reading the third and fourth volumes of the series and never filled

The Early Betsy Tacy Books (1940-1)2014-03-09T19:32:54-04:00
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