Bloody Summer 2016, In My Reading Log


Massacre, killer, murder: when these words appear on a novel's first page, readers are fore-warned. And, yet, the first third of Sara Taylor's Boring Girls (2015) is a coming-of-age story. "It was becoming more and more apparent that I had been right all along. No one could truly understand me, unless they got

Bloody Summer 2016, In My Reading Log2016-07-19T11:15:27-04:00

Summer Reading To-Do List for Sunny Days (2 of 4)


Such good reading this summer, so far. In other respects, perhaps mine has not been the most productive summer. But it all depends what one puts on a to-do list, doesn't it! What if your to-do list was all about the books in your stacks? Little, Brown and Company, 2015

Summer Reading To-Do List for Sunny Days (2 of 4)2020-03-31T12:14:55-04:00

Summer Reading To-Do List for Sunny Days (1 of 4)


Such good reading this summer, so far. In other respects, perhaps mine has not been the most productive summer. But it all depends what one puts on a to-do list, doesn't it! What if your to-do list was all about the books in your stacks? Doubleday Canada - Penguin Random

Summer Reading To-Do List for Sunny Days (1 of 4)2020-03-31T12:17:26-04:00

On Power: Between and The Massey Murder


Angie Adbou handles multiple narrative voices very well. Readers familiar with her earlier novels, The Bone Cage (2008) and The Canterbury Trail (2011) will know this, having inhabited narratives from varying perspectives. They will also know (as will readers of her 2006 collection of short stories, Anything Boys Can Do) that

On Power: Between and The Massey Murder2019-10-22T12:24:17-04:00

Carrie Snyder’s Girl Runner (2014)


As a fan of Carrie Snyder's The Juliet Stories, I was wriggling in my seat over the mere idea of Girl Runner. But then the anxiety crept in: there would be no Juliet, and perhaps much of the magic was hers. Just as the same river can't be stepped in twice, an

Carrie Snyder’s Girl Runner (2014)2017-07-24T15:03:20-04:00
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