Mid-Year 2024, In My Reading Log (Women’s Stories)


Past the mid-point of the reading year, I notice that there are some books I finished reading some time ago, lingering. Just, around. Left in innocuous places as though I just finished reading them there. Finally, when I found a place for Khadija Abdalla Bajaber’s novel (on the shelf

Mid-Year 2024, In My Reading Log (Women’s Stories)2024-07-25T10:19:11-04:00

June 2024, In My Bookbag


It occurred to me to keep The Enlightenment of Katzuo Nakamatsu as a novella for November. But when I was rushing to leave the house one afternoon, and returned because I’d forgotten my wallet, I slipped TEoKN into my bag on a whim. So, naturally that’s what I read

June 2024, In My Bookbag2024-06-18T09:25:27-04:00

Winter 2024, In My Reading Log


My reading this year has a different rhythm. Some year-long projects require only a few pages of reading each week, a chapter maybe. In contrast, reading for work requires bursting through backlists in a week or two. In between, some books have sprawled in that territory between lackadaisical and

Winter 2024, In My Reading Log2024-04-03T16:09:39-04:00

Five Canadian Books: #CanadaReads 2024


This morning, the 23rd edition of Canada Reads program launches. I’ve missed the voice of a career writer in the program in recent years and now, with Heather O’Neill’s inclusion (whose Lullaby for Little Criminals was a previous Canada Reads winner) as a champion, my affection for the program’s

Five Canadian Books: #CanadaReads 20242024-03-04T09:18:06-05:00

Standing Heavy by GauZ’ (2014; 2023) #ReadIndies #Biblioasis


GauZ’ is a short-form of his tribal name, Gauzorro, bestowed on him by his grandmother. She’s the person who got him thinking: “thinking about Africanness, thinking about the stories we tell and how we tell them, and thinking about [his] relationship with language and through language with the people

Standing Heavy by GauZ’ (2014; 2023) #ReadIndies #Biblioasis2024-02-22T13:20:07-05:00
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