A Balancing Act, Ongoing


Before I settled on some other reading projects for 2020 (more on that tomorrow), I entertained the possibility of making a simpler goal than usual: choosing half of my reading from my own shelves and half from the library’s shelves. The idea being that I have tended to read

A Balancing Act, Ongoing2020-01-23T13:49:33-05:00

Quarterly Stories: Autumn 2019


Kaplan, McKay, Puntí, Rosenfarb and Shapton Short Stories in July, August, and September Whether in a dedicated collection or a magazine, these stories capture a variety of reading moods. This quarter, I returned to two favourite writers and also explored three new-to-me story writers.

Quarterly Stories: Autumn 20192019-09-24T12:56:16-04:00

Quarterly Stories: Summer 2019


Taraghi, Levy, Hébert, Gallant and King Short Stories in April, May and June Whether in a dedicated collection or a magazine, these stories capture a variety of reading moods. This quarter, I returned to three favourite writers and also explored two new-to-me story writers.

Quarterly Stories: Summer 20192019-06-25T15:17:11-04:00

Marie-Claire Blais, Reading for the #1965Club


If you are reading this post because you are part of the #1965Club, and you haven’t heard of Marie-Claire Blais, you are about to wonder how that can be true. (And if you also haven't heard of #1965Club, please visit Karen's and Simon's sites to learn more.)  Blais has published

Marie-Claire Blais, Reading for the #1965Club2019-04-29T09:17:10-04:00

February 2019, In My Bookbag


In which I read, while sitting in a café, in a library and in various TTC stations. While longer volumes, like Charles Palliser’s The Quincunx and Andrew Miller’s Now We Shall Be Entirely Free, stay at home. Charles Quimper’s In Every Wave (2017; Trans. Guil Lefebvre, 2018) Narrated by

February 2019, In My Bookbag2020-09-30T08:37:09-04:00
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