Thirteen Canadian Books via The Book Mine Set


The Canadian Book Challenge was one of the first community reading events/challenges that I joined online. For ten years it was hosted by The Book Mine Set, then The Indextrious Reader hosted for the past two years and, now, the baton has been passed to Canadian Bookworm, who will

Thirteen Canadian Books via The Book Mine Set2021-04-22T11:13:33-04:00

Quarterly Stories: Summer 2019


Taraghi, Levy, Hébert, Gallant and King Short Stories in April, May and June Whether in a dedicated collection or a magazine, these stories capture a variety of reading moods. This quarter, I returned to three favourite writers and also explored two new-to-me story writers.

Quarterly Stories: Summer 20192019-06-25T15:17:11-04:00

A Glimpse of Leanne Betasamosake Simpson’s Work #ReadIndigenous


Beginning June 1, through today, June 21st, I’ve been sharing a recommended read by an indigenous author each day on Twitter. On May 30th, there was also talk here of the most recent Thomas King mystery, on June 1st talk of Daniel Heath Justice’s Why Indigenous Literatures Matter, and

A Glimpse of Leanne Betasamosake Simpson’s Work #ReadIndigenous2019-06-25T12:42:41-04:00

Lee Maracle: An Assortment #ReadIndigenous


Beginning June 1, through June 21, I’ve been sharing a recommended read by an indigenous author each day on Twitter. Today, here, thoughts on an assortment of Lee Maracle’s books. On May 30th, there was talk of the latest Thomas King mystery, on June 1st talk of Daniel Heath

Lee Maracle: An Assortment #ReadIndigenous2019-05-19T17:14:52-04:00

Daniel Heath Justice’s Why Indigenous Literatures Matter (2018)


Beginning today, June 1st, through June 21, I am sharing a recommended read by an indigenous author each day on Twitter. Today, here, thoughts on Daniel Heath Justice’s Why Indigenous Literatures Matter (2017). I’ve also recently discussed the new Thomas King mystery set in Chinook, and there will be

Daniel Heath Justice’s Why Indigenous Literatures Matter (2018)2019-05-19T17:00:35-04:00
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