June 2024: #ReadIndigenous (4 of 5)


The past few days, I’ve shared talk of ten different books by and about Indigenous stories (here, here, and here), and today I’ll write about three more: some poems, a novel, and an illustrated song. D.A. Lockhart’s 2022 collection, Go Down Odawa Way (Kegedonce Press, in Neyaashiinigmiing / Owen

June 2024: #ReadIndigenous (4 of 5)2024-06-25T10:58:15-04:00

June 2024: #ReadIndigenous (3 of 5)


Last time, I wrote about three books by Indigenous writers (three prior, four before that), and today I’m writing about three more: a work of art and history, a memoir, and a novel. Carey Newman and Kirstie Hudson’s Picking up the Pieces: Residential School Memories and the Making of

June 2024: #ReadIndigenous (3 of 5)2024-06-20T15:22:13-04:00

June 2024: #ReadIndigenous (2 of 5)


Last time, I posted about four books by Indigenous authors and about Indigenous history, today I’m writing about three books by Indigenous writers. “She was the chief. He rode a motorcycle. Somewhere in all this, she was sure, were the makings of a made-for-TV movie.” Instead, it’s a novel:

June 2024: #ReadIndigenous (2 of 5)2024-07-02T09:01:09-04:00

June 2024: #ReadIndigenous (1 of 5)


It’s Indigenous Peoples Day, and I have a variety of reading selections to share over the next few days: something for every reading mood. Pawaminikititicikiw’s (Wilfred Buck’) Kitcikisik (Great Sky) published in 2021, is a great introduction to Indigenous cosmology by a First Nations author, writing from within the

June 2024: #ReadIndigenous (1 of 5)2024-06-20T14:52:33-04:00

June 2024, In My Bookbag


It occurred to me to keep The Enlightenment of Katzuo Nakamatsu as a novella for November. But when I was rushing to leave the house one afternoon, and returned because I’d forgotten my wallet, I slipped TEoKN into my bag on a whim. So, naturally that’s what I read

June 2024, In My Bookbag2024-06-18T09:25:27-04:00
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