Alison Pick’s Between Gods (2014; 2015)


She tells you straight-up: "The decision when to begin a family story is arbitrary." HarperPerennial, 2015 (US edition) And she lays out the doubts and uncertainties: "Who am I to claim the official version?" And, so, Alison Pick is our seemingly uncertain and unsanctioned guide. But, she also

Alison Pick’s Between Gods (2014; 2015)2017-07-24T15:06:25-04:00

Pauline Holdstock’s The Hunter and the Wild Girl (2015)


Despite its sedate and unassuming cover, Pauline Holdstock's The Hunter and the Wild Girl begins in a rush. Goose Lane, 2015 "With a shriek of splintering boards, the girl breaks into daylight and stands blinded, panting, sucking air as if it were a great hot soup, her chest

Pauline Holdstock’s The Hunter and the Wild Girl (2015)2015-10-16T11:49:06-04:00

On Two Pieces by Tomson Highway


"I've always conceived of language as music," says Tomson Highway: musician, playwright, novelist. "I play Chopin still, but in Cree," he continues. Then, more than a decade later, it is as though he continues this conversation, in A Tale of Monstrous Extravagance. This slim volume is subtitled on "Imagining Multilingualism", which

On Two Pieces by Tomson Highway2020-10-20T09:29:53-04:00

Austin Clarke’s The Meeting Point (1967)


The first volume of his Toronto trilogy introduces readers to Bernice Leach, who has left Barbados to work in Toronto as a housekeeper in an upscale neighbourhood in the 1960s. She has left behind a son and his father, as well as a mother and a sister, and she is

Austin Clarke’s The Meeting Point (1967)2015-10-06T10:02:44-04:00

In the Wake: Books which Suit RIP X


In the past, I've made large stacks of creepy reading with the RIP challenges in mind, but I  have a habit of stacking up many lovely possibilities but then choosing different books altogether later on. Perhaps this is partly because books can surprise you and take you in unexpected directions.

In the Wake: Books which Suit RIP X2024-05-31T19:04:12-04:00
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