On Reading Jonathan Franzen’s Purity (2015)


Beginning: Was it like this before? A slow start, a growing realization that these characters are not trying to be likeable, only to be believable? Doubleday Canada, 2015 Pip (short for Purity) seems rather like a middle-aged woman in a young woman's skin, so many worries and an overwhelming sense

On Reading Jonathan Franzen’s Purity (2015)2015-09-01T15:19:16-04:00

In My Reading Log


The majority of my reading time this year has been devoted to the books which have been living for years, though neglected, on my own bookshelves. In May and June, I had a planned rebellion, and I enjoyed a great number of new books. But now I have returned to

In My Reading Log2020-05-21T16:00:38-04:00

Summer Reading To-Do List for Stormy Days (4 of 4)


Such good reading this summer, so far. In other respects, perhaps mine has not been the most productive summer. But it all depends what one puts on a to-do list, doesn't it! What if your to-do list was all about the books in your stacks? House of Anansi, 2015

Summer Reading To-Do List for Stormy Days (4 of 4)2024-04-04T09:44:24-04:00

Summer Reading To-Do List for Stormy Days (3 of 4)


Such good reading this summer, so far. In other respects, perhaps mine has not been the most productive summer. But it all depends what one puts on a to-do list, doesn't it! What if your to-do list was all about the books in your stacks? Cormorant Books, 2015 For

Summer Reading To-Do List for Stormy Days (3 of 4)2021-02-01T16:12:50-05:00

Young Love, Complicated Love: Walking on Trampolines


For weeks after reading Frances Whiting's Walking on Trampolines, my vocabulary was peppered with LuluBelle-isms. That's how I thought of the habit that young Lulu and Annabelle had, of mashing-up synonyms to intensify the meaning of each individual word. Gallery BooksSimon & Schuster, 2015 (2013) "I'm starmished," I would

Young Love, Complicated Love: Walking on Trampolines2023-10-12T11:06:51-04:00
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