Tricia Dower’s Becoming Lin (2016)


Reading Becoming Lin reminded me of discovering Marilyn French's The Women's Room and Marge Piercy's Small Changes. Two unapologetically feminist novels which I felt had poured out of my own heart into some other writer's story. I inhaled these books, and I felt the same sense of intense recognition and

Tricia Dower’s Becoming Lin (2016)2017-07-24T14:33:39-04:00

Quarterly Stories: Summer 2014


Coming Home: Stories from the Northwest Territories (Enfield & Wizenty, 2012) In the foreword, Richard Van Camp writes that this collection is a "testament to the beauty of the land, the communities and the people who choose to live here" and he welcomes readers to the works. The same words might

Quarterly Stories: Summer 20142014-07-18T08:58:06-04:00

Nancy Lee’s The Age (2014)


Do you hear it when you look at the cover of Nancy Lee’s debut novel? Cue the music: “This is the dawning of….” The Age. It is an unusual title which manages to feel both like a fragment and an expansive concept. If readers do think of the song from

Nancy Lee’s The Age (2014)2017-07-24T14:33:54-04:00

Trevor Ferguson’s The River Burns (2014)


You'd think that the heart of the story in The River Burns is the covered bridge. The cover. The marketing. And the Author's Note which launches the novel refers to the actual Wakefield Bridge fire. "Historical events inspired the novel's genesis; skeletal aspects are mirrored here; yet the gentle shifts to time

Trevor Ferguson’s The River Burns (2014)2017-07-24T14:34:05-04:00

“Floating Bridge” Alice Munro


Jinny has been standing on shifting ground. Expectations are thwarted: these are times of transformation. This was true, too, in "Gravel" and in "Oh What Avails". But there she is: the space in which she is standing shifts both literally and metaphorically. Things have been all-a-shift for some time now.

“Floating Bridge” Alice Munro2014-03-24T08:22:28-04:00
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