Rowan Hisayo Buchanan’s Harmless Like You (2016)


At the "Modern Families" roundtable at this year's IFOA, Rowan Hisayo Buchanan explained that it only felt natural to build her characters with the seemingly endless details that comprise their lives, their selves. Identity is clearly at the heart of her much-lauded debut, Harmless Like You, and a good part of

Rowan Hisayo Buchanan’s Harmless Like You (2016)2023-10-12T11:05:28-04:00

R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril XI (RIPXI): Novels 2016


When I picked up Cherie Priest's I Am Princess X, it was on the advice of a trusted bookseller for a (then) thirteen-year-old friend of mine. Then an older reading friend raved about it too. At last, I picked it up, and was pleased to find it was my first

R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril XI (RIPXI): Novels 20162016-10-26T12:53:26-04:00

The Ransom Riggs’ Trilogy


With a lengthy TBR, it's sometimes difficult to finish reading a series: this year, with trilogies, I am exercising my completion muscles. Earlier this year, I went back and reread the initial volume of Margaret Drabble's Thatcher trilogy and Judith Kerr's Out of the Hitler Time trilogy, and then finished the other

The Ransom Riggs’ Trilogy2016-10-18T10:35:36-04:00

R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril XI (RIPXI): Short stories 2016


Peril of the Short Story is an aspect of RIP which I often neglect, despite my best intentions. Not so, this year. First, MOONSHOT, which is edited by Hope Nicholson for AH Comics (Alternative History) contains many elements which suit this reading season. First,"The Qallupiluk: Forgiven" which was originally published in

R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril XI (RIPXI): Short stories 20162016-10-17T15:39:37-04:00

Alice Mattison’s The Kite and the String (2016)


It's not meant to be complicated. "I hope to help you think about your writing, and to approach the task with more confidence, excitement, and hope." That's Alice Mattison's intent. But of course it is complicated. Which is why there are countless books about the craft of writing. Viking -

Alice Mattison’s The Kite and the String (2016)2016-10-12T17:16:00-04:00
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