Mavis Gallant’s “The Four Seasons” (1975)


Today marks the launch of another Mavis Gallant short story collection): From the Fifteenth District. (Apologies for the double-post, but both Mavis Gallant and Margaret Atwood were scheduled to appear today: what a power-house duo!) The first story in this collection is billed as a novella, which is curious

Mavis Gallant’s “The Four Seasons” (1975)2018-11-01T09:14:21-04:00

Summer Reading To-Do List for Stormy Days (3 of 4)


Such good reading this summer, so far. In other respects, perhaps mine has not been the most productive summer. But it all depends what one puts on a to-do list, doesn't it! What if your to-do list was all about the books in your stacks? Cormorant Books, 2015 For

Summer Reading To-Do List for Stormy Days (3 of 4)2021-02-01T16:12:50-05:00

January 2015, In My Bookbag


Isn't there something satisfying about beginning to read someone's published diaries in a January, when those diaries begin in some other long-ago January? Dawn Powell's diaries have been on my shelves for more than a decade but suddenly, in this January, I felt compelled to begin reading them. It sat beside other

January 2015, In My Bookbag2017-07-24T15:26:10-04:00

Diversiverse 2014 – Reading more diversely


Of course I made a reading list. Then, I saw Vasilly’s list. (You probably already know where this is heading.) Her list has many temptations on it, including some of my favourites. But I have been looking for a reason to read the rest of Kazu Kibuishi’s Amulet series since I

Diversiverse 2014 – Reading more diversely2017-07-24T15:12:41-04:00

Talking Time: Life after Life, The Luminaries


Random House, 2013 The slippery question of time is often posed on the page. And with books, it’s different. In music, listeners are engaged at a pace dictated by the composer’s notation, beats counted as the bars pass, the audience arriving synchronously at the end of the piece.

Talking Time: Life after Life, The Luminaries2015-10-20T07:58:55-04:00
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