Mavis Gallant’s “Dido Flute, Spouse to Europe” (1980)


Presented as the "Addenda to a Major Biography", noted to be nearly 1000 pages long, these three pages are not a typical short story. Readers are left to assemble their impressions of Dido based on fragments of a relationship which occupied only a fragment of her life from a relational

Mavis Gallant’s “Dido Flute, Spouse to Europe” (1980)2017-11-21T15:23:52-05:00

Mavis Gallant’s “From Gamut to Yalta” (1980)


So short. Four pages. And, yet, a man considering his entire life and the geo-political map of his day. Its shifting (and not-so shifting) borders are intertwined with his ideas about his marriage. This seems to draw the noose of relationship between the personal and the political uncomfortably - even

Mavis Gallant’s “From Gamut to Yalta” (1980)2017-11-10T17:11:11-05:00

Josip Novakovich’s Tumbleweed (2017)


As you might have guessed, the characters in Tumbleweed are always in motion. Sometimes literally, as with a hitchhiker in the title story, who has come to an abrupt stop and views the world differently from his sudden stillness. "Through the tinted glass, I beheld quite a sight before

Josip Novakovich’s Tumbleweed (2017)2017-12-11T17:48:28-05:00

Deborah Willis’ The Dark and Other Love Stories (2017)


Delicate and deliberate, these stories are sometimes startling and always moving. In some, the darkness is overt and inescapable; in others, quietly pervasive and creeping. A passage from "Welcome to Paradise" seems to whisper of the author's motivations: "Even now I like ghost towns and abandoned houses, places that seem

Deborah Willis’ The Dark and Other Love Stories (2017)2020-09-30T08:55:10-04:00

Autumn 2017 In My Reading Log (Non-fiction and Not-quite-fiction)


In which there is talk of true stories and stories that fall between the cracks of imagined facts and probabilities. Kyo Maclear's Birds Art Life (2017) Arranged as though composed over a twelve-month period, this would seem to be the perfect book to read slowly, meditatively. To allow the pages

Autumn 2017 In My Reading Log (Non-fiction and Not-quite-fiction)2017-10-25T17:17:49-04:00
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