Mavis Gallant’s “Going Ashore” (1954)


For the first time, twelve-year-old Emma Ellinger feels truly connected to her mother. They are finally “doing something together, alone, with no man, no Uncle Anyone, to interfere". Tangier, Moracco 1887 Click for source data It's true that the cruise hasn't gone entirely as planned; they have packed the

Mavis Gallant’s “Going Ashore” (1954)2017-03-26T10:37:34-04:00

Mavis Gallant’s “Poor Franzi”


At one table, we have the Wrights, on the crowded hotel terrace, with the Austrian mountains playing picture-postcard for the family, who has journeyed from Baltimore. They're a cranky lot, with daughters Coralie and Joan having had a different set of expectations for their travels, which neither their mother nor

Mavis Gallant’s “Poor Franzi”2017-03-26T10:12:05-04:00

Mavis Gallant’s “Autumn Day” (1955)


I laid in with this story, while on a brief holiday in a small town outside Toronto. Outside, the sound of other people's everyday morning scurried past, but I was not required to be anywhere in particular that day. Salzburg Austria, Prison overlooking town [Piotr Bozyk, Click for credit]

Mavis Gallant’s “Autumn Day” (1955)2020-09-29T16:34:35-04:00

Quarterly Stories: Three Collections


In Susan Hill's Howard's End Is on the Landing, she quotes a friend who says "We read Margaret Drabble to feel the zeitgeist, our daughters read Helen Simpson." (Their daughters' daughters might be reading Janine Alyson Young or Alex Leslie or Rivka Galchen or Eufemia Fantetti.) In the first story

Quarterly Stories: Three Collections2019-03-20T14:34:52-04:00

Quarterly Stories: Winter 2016


This month, I'm wholly enjoying the stories in the Short Story Advent Calendar (edited by Michael Hingston and designed by Natalie Olsen). The variety of the boxed set is fantastic, especially if you're looking for "new" short story writers to follow, but I generally read collections of works by a single

Quarterly Stories: Winter 20162020-10-01T12:52:50-04:00
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