“Dimensions” Alice Munro


Things that you can slip between. They are often 'new' in nature. Perspectives transform. If I was playing $30,000 Pyramid, I might think such things, in response to the idea of 'dimensions'. At the heart of Alice Munro's "Dimensions": a woman who is fundamentally altered, facing a 'new' future, slipping

“Dimensions” Alice Munro2017-07-25T11:23:59-04:00

“Messenger” Alice Munro


When I began rereading The View from Castle Rock, I stumbled. It had not been a favourite and my return was not an easy one. I wondered if this had something to do with my personal response to the idea of expecting words to hold losses. I had lost a

“Messenger” Alice Munro2017-07-25T11:23:54-04:00

“What Do You Want to Know For?” Alice Munro


And, "Who Do You Think You Are?" McClelland & Stewart, 2006 As readers approach the final tale in this collection, it seems appropriate to have it titled with a question. Whatever might be resolved in the effort of creating a narrative in which to secure one's ancestors, one could

“What Do You Want to Know For?” Alice Munro2017-07-25T11:22:27-04:00

“Home” Alice Munro


McClelland & Stewart, 2006 Alice's father has remarried, and Irlma has made many changes in the house. "Irlma is a stout and rosy woman, with tinted butterscotch curls, brown eyes in which there is still a sparkle, a look of emotional readiness, of being always on the brink

“Home” Alice Munro2017-07-25T11:24:12-04:00

“The Ticket” Alice Munro


The title of this story suggests a journey, travel and a destination. But the story itself focuses on the precursors to such events: the preparations and anticipation. McClelland & Stewart, 2006 Nonetheless, "The Ticket" is preoccupied with the concept of movement, shifting position, moving from one zone to another

“The Ticket” Alice Munro2017-07-25T11:21:07-04:00
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