Mireille Silcoff’s Chez L’Arabe (2014)


Weeks after reading these stories, a glance at the table of contents brings back their characters and arcs in a moment. (With "Flower Watching" and "Eskimos" I also required the aid of the characters' names I'd noted.) These stories stood out, not only as independent narratives but, simultaneously, for the

Mireille Silcoff’s Chez L’Arabe (2014)2017-07-24T15:11:50-04:00

February 2015, In My Stacks


No matter how dilgent one has been with one's read-o-lutions, February is not the shortest month but the longest test. If it had a chapter heading? In which all your good bookish intentions will flake away like paper splinters from the spine of a well-loved paperback. And, yet, my February reading, one

February 2015, In My Stacks2020-10-01T12:53:21-04:00

Quarterly Stories: Winter 2014


An excess of short stories in the later part of this year has led to a decision to return to the habit of more often devoting entire posts to collections rather than covering a variety in a single pass (last seen in Quarterly Stories: Autumn 2014) Algonquin Books, 2014

Quarterly Stories: Winter 20142017-07-24T15:11:57-04:00

Quarterly Stories: Autumn 2014


“Bad coffee can only keep you company for so long at four a.m. in a bus depot.” Caitlin Press, 2014 All of the characters in Janine Alyson Young’s debut collection seem as though they would immediately recognize the truth of that. They all seem to have a spot

Quarterly Stories: Autumn 20142017-07-24T14:27:25-04:00

Alice Simpson’s Ballroom (2014)


The reader moves onto the floor with great excitement, turning the initial pages of a debut novel, heartbeat slightly accelerated, hopes and expectations heightened. It is a dance: this movement between reader and story. Alice Simpson's Ballroom takes that connection seriously. HarperCollins, 2014 The very structure of the

Alice Simpson’s Ballroom (2014)2014-10-27T16:51:21-04:00
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