Quarterly Stories: Spring 2014


In collection reading, since Quarterly Stories: Winter 2013 I've read Susie Moloney's Things Withered, the latest installment of the Alice Munro reading project, B.J. Novak's One More Thing, and the most recent volume of Journey Prize stories.  But mostly I've been dipping into single stories in recent months. Partly this was inspired by random samplings of the latest ReLit

Quarterly Stories: Spring 20142020-09-16T15:56:42-04:00

Susie Moloney’s Things Withered (2013)


With book in hand, readers will know this is a collection of short fiction marketed as horror stories. But that's a broad stroke; Dracula and The Stand are both frightening tales. In the hands of Susie Moloney, a horror story sometimes means gruesome and moist: "Brains and cranial fluid seeped

Susie Moloney’s Things Withered (2013)2014-05-28T10:22:46-04:00

“Runaway” Alice Munro


I am fond of specific Alice Munro collections: A Friend of My Youth because it was my first, Open Secrets because it was the impetus for a particularly good book club discussion some years ago, and Runaway. McClelland & Stewart, 2004 Runaway because I have a memory of reading it

“Runaway” Alice Munro2014-05-23T16:04:53-04:00

May 2014, In My Bookbag


Are you still there? If so, many thanks. It’s been quiet around here; I realized that my database had tripled its allotted storage and was refusing to hold even one more byte sometime in March, and the oh-so-smart-coder-types have only recently gotten things back in working order. Many thanks to

May 2014, In My Bookbag2014-05-22T10:42:20-04:00

B.J. Novak’s One More Thing (2014)


Could be that I am the only person who started to watch "The Office" because B.J. Novak wrote a collection of short fiction. Knopf - Random House, 2014 More likely, those who watched "The Office" for years will pick up a copy of the temp's first book because

B.J. Novak’s One More Thing (2014)2014-05-13T11:18:34-04:00
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