More talk of dogs and tricks (Second Day)


So it was original content which finally convinced me to plunge into e-reading. And my next project was a variation on that theme. I've subscribed to "The Walrus" since the beginning, so it's more than likely that I've read the pieces gathered in 10 Years of The Walrus Laughs. But

More talk of dogs and tricks (Second Day)2014-01-07T17:21:32-05:00

Lynn Coady’s Hellgoing (2013)


Reading Hellgoing makes me wonder about Lynn Coady's personal relationships. Not for the obvious reasons that other readers might identify, stories like "Body Condom" and "Play the Monster Blind". But because I imagine that in order to write a short story, she disappears for a spell. I imagine she crawls

Lynn Coady’s Hellgoing (2013)2014-07-11T17:21:43-04:00

Notable Short Story Collections, Autumn 2013


I've read some remarkable short story collections this year: Théodora Armstrong's Clear Skies, No Wind, 100% Visibility, Ayelet Tsabari's The Best Place on Earth, Saleema Nawaz's Mother Superior, Richard van Camp's Godless But Loyal to Heaven, Miranda Hill's Sleeping Funny, and Paul Headrick's The Doctrine of Affections. Three more collections have captured

Notable Short Story Collections, Autumn 20132020-09-16T15:58:31-04:00

Miranda Hill’s Sleeping Funny (2012)


The title story of this collection, my favourite, "The Variance", is filled with so many details that it reads a little like a logic puzzle. (I like logic puzzles and short stories.) 2012; Doubleday - Random House, 2013 Sometimes the details have direct and practical significance, as with

Miranda Hill’s Sleeping Funny (2012)2014-03-23T08:07:13-04:00

“Vandals” Alice Munro


"But you better not cross him or he’ll skin you alive....Like he does with his other stuff." 1994; Penguin, 2007 Liza's father warned her about Ladner, who made his living as a taxidermist, working for museums. It wasn't meant to be taken seriously. Indeed, after that, Liza and

“Vandals” Alice Munro2014-03-20T21:02:03-04:00
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