Why Richard van Camp’s Godless but Loyal to Heaven landed his works on my MRE list


As an object, this collection from Enfield & Wizenty is striking. And -- I can't tell you how much I love this detail -- it has a ribbon to mark your place. Great Plains Publications - Enfield & Wizenty, 2012 Immediately upon finishing the first story ("On the

Why Richard van Camp’s Godless but Loyal to Heaven landed his works on my MRE list2019-05-11T19:23:37-04:00

Ayelet Tsabari’s The Best Place on Earth


What sets Ayelet Tsabari's collection apart is the ever-present sense of motion in the stories, even when the characters themselves are struggling with a sense of inertia. Harper Collins, 2013 I know, I know: that sounds impossible. But even when the characters appear to be stagnant in some

Ayelet Tsabari’s The Best Place on Earth2014-03-20T21:31:22-04:00

Saleema Nawaz’s Mother Superior (2008)


Sometimes the longest story in a collection has the allure of a key; I want to read it first because I believe that it, like the title story, will contain helpful hints to understanding other stories therein. Freehand Books, 2008 (Sometimes the longest story is also the title

Saleema Nawaz’s Mother Superior (2008)2014-03-20T21:24:56-04:00

Paul Headrick’s The Doctrine of Affections (2010)


Consider this Baroque idea, the Doctrine of Affections. That a single movement of music should arouse a single emotion. Freehand Books, 2010 It's the perfect title for this collection, for readers can expect a series of intense and diverse emotional responses to each of Paul Headrick's twelve stories. The

Paul Headrick’s The Doctrine of Affections (2010)2020-05-21T16:02:34-04:00

“Spaceships Have Landed” Alice Munro


In searching for an image for the last story discussed here, "A Wilderness Station", I came upon a wonderfully long and chatty Paris Review interview with Alice Munro.* Something she says about her reading came to mind when I had finished "Spaceships Have Landed". "Reading was my life really until

“Spaceships Have Landed” Alice Munro2020-07-29T09:31:13-04:00
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