On Copernicus Avenue


Copernicus Avenue ends in a snarl of streetcar tracks. "We reached the bottom of the street where it widens into a multi-veined delta of streetcar tracks." Andrew J. Borkowski's Copernicus Avenue is a series of stories that intersect with each other, just as the rails from Queen Street, King Street, and the Avenue

On Copernicus Avenue2014-03-17T16:45:53-04:00

To Tell the Truth: Elspeth Cameron


Elspeth Cameron's And Beauty Answers: The Life of Frances Loring and Florence Wyle Cormorant Books, 2007 It certainly wasn't something that a lot of women were doing in the early 1900s; girls weren't lining up to become sculptors. But Frances Loring and Florence Wyle did just that, meeting in 1906

To Tell the Truth: Elspeth Cameron2014-03-15T18:17:07-04:00

The 2011 Toronto Book Award Winner is…


Hearing the author read at Toronto's Word on the Street festival this year truly highlighted the humour of this novel. (It's hard to find funny novels, isn't it?! Apparently the judges thought so too, and wanted to make sure this one got noticed.) But even straight from the

The 2011 Toronto Book Award Winner is…2011-10-16T21:45:11-04:00

Alissa York’s Fauna (2010)


Alissa York's Fauna Random House, 2010 What is so remarkable about Fauna is that it is all-of-a-piece. (It's exactly the kind of book that makes me proud to be a reader.) From its beautifully crafted outer covers: a soft, earthy brown -- imprinted with a turtle. Underneath its rich burgundy

Alissa York’s Fauna (2010)2014-03-15T16:00:31-04:00

James Fitzgerald’s What Disturbs Our Blood (2010)


James Fitzgerald's What Disturbs Our Blood Random House, 2010 At first glance, James' Fitzgerald's might seem like a charmed life. But What Disturbs Our Blood would not have come into being if that had been true. It takes some digging (in the archives) and some prying (from the mouths of

James Fitzgerald’s What Disturbs Our Blood (2010)2014-07-11T16:31:54-04:00
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