Katja Rudolph’s Little Bastards in Springtime (2014)


In 1992, Jevrem lived through the siege of Sarajevo and Katja Rudolph’s novel considers the impact of such trauma, which extends far beyond national borders. He develops fervent opinions and beliefs based on his early experiences and the events witnessed in his family, ensuing losses and severences. HarperCollins, 2014

Katja Rudolph’s Little Bastards in Springtime (2014)2017-07-24T15:12:31-04:00

Sheila Heti’s How Should a Person Be? (2012)


It seems perfect. Sheila Heti's How Should a Person Be? is not really a novel. And this is not really a review. It's a collection of my collisions with understanding. Opening sentence: "How should a person be?" Subtitle: A Novel from Life Off the page, there is an interview with Shelagh

Sheila Heti’s How Should a Person Be? (2012)2014-10-07T14:54:33-04:00

Shani Mootoo’s Moving Forward Sideways Like a Crab (2014)


Shani Mootoo sidles up to her story. Random House Canada, 2014 A novel like Padma Viswanathan’s The Ever After of Ashwin Rao is more openly preoccupied with questions of grief and loss. One like Shyam Selvadurai’s The Hungry Ghosts explores family relationships and the passage of time in

Shani Mootoo’s Moving Forward Sideways Like a Crab (2014)2014-10-07T15:08:06-04:00

My mini-Canlit-read-a-thon on Canada Day, 2014 (I)


Sometimes a stack of reading goes stale. For no good reason. You know what I mean. Maybe you're just bored with the covers. Or you've been teasing the books along with a page here and there, when they needed some quality one-on-one time. That's where I was with my stack,

My mini-Canlit-read-a-thon on Canada Day, 2014 (I)2014-08-15T06:53:27-04:00

Elspeth Cameron’s Aunt Winnie (2013)


Which aunt of yours would inspire you to write a biography? After writing about Hugh MacLennan, Irving Layton, Earle Birney and The Girls, Elspeth Cameron turned to her Aunt Winnie. Cormorant Books, 2013 "Aunt Winnie was born twelve days after the death of Queen Victoria, on 2 February

Elspeth Cameron’s Aunt Winnie (2013)2014-07-11T16:32:14-04:00
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