Reading on with Pat Barker


Penguin, 1993 So you know, from my thoughts on Regeneration, how much of a talking-to I had to give myself to keep reading Pat Barker's brilliant war novels. But as much as I might be a cowardly reader, I'm also a stubborn reader, so I made sure that

Reading on with Pat Barker2014-02-27T19:11:12-05:00

Regenerating Enthusiasm for a Re-read


Pat Barker's Regeneration (1991) Come on, admit it: you've avoided reading this because it's a war novel. It's okay: you're not alone. And how can a book about the horrors of war compete, when reading time is limited and it would be so much more fun to re-read Miss Pettigrew

Regenerating Enthusiasm for a Re-read2014-03-09T14:04:08-04:00
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