Rosy Thornton’s Tapestry of Love (2010)


Rosy Thornton's The Tapestry of Love Headline Books, 2010. Whether it was the cover image, or the title, or vague impressions gathered from other readers before I settled on reading this novel, I'm not sure: somehow I picked up the idea that this is a romance novel. And, sure, the

Rosy Thornton’s Tapestry of Love (2010)2020-09-01T16:28:54-04:00

MREs: Must-Read-Everything Authors


I've been collecting authors for so many years. Authors whose oeuvres I am determined to read. It's a never-ending reading list . At the end of last year, I noticed that I was adding to the list at a phenomenal rate and not moving as quickly with my reading. So

MREs: Must-Read-Everything Authors2014-07-11T16:52:55-04:00

The Handmaid’s Tale (1986)


Houghton Mifflin, 1986 "I want everything back, the way it was. But there is no point to it, this wanting." So says the narrator, whom we know as Offred. But that's not her real name. And it doesn't feel to her that this is her real life, what

The Handmaid’s Tale (1986)2014-07-11T16:28:48-04:00

Three books: Three challenges


Dominique Fabre's The Waitress Was New (2005) Trans. Jordan Stump Archipelago Books, 2008 It begins very simply. "The waitress was new here." Pierre is not new; he has been the barman for years and years and years. When he watches the new waitress approach, it's the perspective of a seasoned

Three books: Three challenges2014-03-15T16:47:03-04:00

Vendela Vida’s The Lovers (2010)


Vendela Vida’s The Lovers (2010) Harper Collins, 2011 Yvonne has travelled to Datça, Turkey twenty-eight years after she first visited it. Her first visit was with her husband, on their honeymoon. On her second visit, she travels there alone: her husband has died. She used to tell people that Peter

Vendela Vida’s The Lovers (2010)2014-03-13T20:33:22-04:00
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